Page 13 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 13
in foster children. Ryan is also very respectful,
hard-working and careful, which is so important
when raising children. My uncle is very dedicated
to doing the right thing, and it is obvious that it is
rewarding to him.
He is retired, but that doesn’t mean he has slowed
down. He still provides for his family, puts meals on
the table, and has even gone back to school because
he wants to keep improving himself. He always
puts his family first. My little brother, Zion, and
my cousin, Andre, have grown up playing football,
and no matter how my uncle was feeling, he would
make sure to always get the boys to practice on time;
he would even pick up their friends if they needed
a ride. In fact, he has always helped coach their
teams. His family thrives because of his significant
investment of time in all their lives.
However, cancer has been a frequent tragedy in my
biological family; unfortunately, Ryan was struck
with it. Watching such a strong man grow so weak
hurt all of us. After four long, hard years, he ended
up beating the illness, and he slowly got his strength
back. I admire him because, even when he was sick,
he continued to smile, and he had one of the most
positive attitudes. He continued to put the needs
of others before himself. Even when he was weak,
while fighting cancer, he wanted to get up and
provide for his family, although he had to stay in the After witnessing his struggle and comeback, I decided
hospital bed - doctors’ orders. that I was going to chase my dreams even harder and
join the military. Seeing him go through so many
Despite (or maybe because of) everything he has challenges and remain strong reminds me not to sit
endured, Ryan remains a strong individual. His around and think too much about my difficulties,
attitude, even in the face of life’s most difficult feeling sorry for myself, because nothing I have gone
challenges, continues to inspire me. I am thankful that through really compares to his challenges. One of my
I have had the opportunity to observe how to live a goals in life is to make him proud, and that is exactly
generous life, with strength of character and grace in what I plan to do.
the face of trials.
Article Submitted by
Equasia Walker ESTACADO
Equasia Walker is the daughter of Clarence and Moriah Walker. She is a senior at
Estacado High School, where she is in Army Junior ROTC. She is involved with the CSI
team (Forensic Science) and works with the Law program as a student assistant. She is
joining the military and will be sworn in to either the Army or the Navy at graduation.
Lubbock Senior Link 13