Page 8 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 8

Joe            Eleanor Blackwood
         A Lot of Grace

          by Jane Bromley
                                              worked as a switchman on the
                                              railroad in Dallas.  He held this job
               ove stories are as unique and   for a few months until he landed
               beautiful as the individual    a job teaching and coaching in
         Lcharacters who write them           Galveston, TX.
         with their lives. This one is about
         two people who admit they are not    Eleanor was born in Uxbridge,
         perfect, but the truth is, they are   Massachusetts in 1934, the youngest
         perfect together.                    of five children. Her father died   she didn’t seem interested, “he just
                                                       when she was only 12,      kept coming.” Their first kiss was on
         Joe Blackwood                                 and her mother had great   Christmas Eve, 1958, and they were
         was born                                      difficulty dealing with the   married the following May. “Joe
         September 11,                                 harsh new reality of caring   saved my life,” Ellie says of their
         1934, in Groveton,                            for her children alone. She   marriage. She had been longing for
         Texas, a Piney                                moved the family often,    stability for years.
         Woods town in                                 prompting Ellie to use the
         southeast Texas.                              word “gypsy” to describe   The young couple soon welcomed
         His family did                                the new normal. Ellie had   their first child, Debbie. Joe was
         more of their                                 three brothers and a dear   concerned about supporting
         growing up in                                 sister, Mary, whom she     his family on a teacher’s salary.
         Ennis, a small                                described as “an angel     One day, over a meal at Jack Tar
         town 30 miles                                 who looked after me”.      Restaurant in Galveston, he had
         south of Dallas.                              After graduating from      a conversation with a man who
         His father was a                             high school at the age      worked for Traveler’s Insurance.
         locomotive engineer                          of 16, she worked in a      He was invited to come to Dallas
         on the Southern                              fabric mill for two years.   where he was offered a job in the
         Pacific railroad.  Joe                       One of her brothers, who    Fire/Marine Department. During
         attended St. John                            had moved to Galveston,     the Dallas years, their son Paul was
         Catholic School                              invited his mother and      born, deeply loved, but severely
         through seven                                Eleanor to come and live    retarded.
         grades in this Czech                         with him and his wife. She
         community.  He                               was 17 when she moved       Travelers transferred the family
         then went to public                          from Massachusetts to       to Roanoke, Virginia. Daughter
         school in order to                           Texas and got a job in      Pam was born in 1964, but the
         play football, and                           banking. It was 1952.       Blackwoods were getting homesick
         upon graduation                                                          for Texas. When a position opened
         in 1953 he accepted an athletic      She thrived in her newfound         in Lubbock, they jumped at the
         scholarship to the Rice Institute.  In   independence and wasn’t interested   opportunity to return “home”.
         his sophomore year Joe transferred   in dating. She did like to go out    In 1966, a young boy was left on
         to East Texas State Teacher College   with girlfriends, however.  Soon,   the doorstep of a local Catholic
         in Commerce, Texas.  He was          she met a handsome young football   church. He was taken to Amarillo
         drafted into the military services   coach at a party. Joe Blackwood was   because Lubbock did not have its
         just days after graduation.  Upon    immediately attracted to the “good-  own diocese yet. The Blackwoods
         returning from the military, he      looking Italian girl”.  Even though   were asked if they might want to

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