Page 44 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2025 - Online Magazine
P. 44
Bobby Sanders
"I Rolled Up
My Sleeves"
by Jack Fisher
only know one person who can he did not show
ride a unicycle, and he is almost up for a while,
I seventy years old. Meet Bobby the town grew
Sanders, my neighbor one cul-de- worried. His home
sac over. Bobby has lived there ever received call after
since my family moved into our call to find out
house twelve years ago, but I see where Bobby was.
him more than just when I walk He had measles,
the dog. Bobby also is a charter but it was then that he knew how was difficult. That’s when he got a
member of my church, Grace much of an impact he had on his call from Coca-Cola offering him
United Methodist. I have learned community. Bobby went on to go a new job and a way to get back
so much from him, and I have been to college at Texas Tech University home to Lubbock.
inspired by his life story. The most and continued to work in print Bobby took the offer and was
important things Bobby has taught shops till he got a job at Meriam given an even better job than he
me all relate to rolling up your Company. This, though, is only the was initially offered. He started
sleeves and making relationships. beginning of Bobby’s impressive climbing the ladder at Coca-Cola
story. just as he had at Colgate-Palmolive.
Bobby told me, “Start with where
you come from. I credit all of my Bobby’s knack for sales began At the end of his time there, he had
success to my mom and dad.” to get noticed across the United reached the level of senior national
Bobby was born in Dumas, Texas, States. One day, Bobby received a distribution account executive.
the eighth child of two loving phone call to sell for the Colgate- After a reorganization, he was
parents. His Father, who owned a Palmolive company all the way given retirement but was not ready
printing shop, instilled in him early up in New York. He rose through to be done just yet. He finished
the value of customer relations and the ranks quickly to become the his career making it to the top of
gave him a springboard into the youngest area sales manager in the the Culligan and Driessen water
rest of his life. Every time Bobby company’s history and gained the companies before finally retiring
would go into town as a child to nickname, “Boy Boss.” The Boy in 2021 at the age of 66. Wherever
buy something for his dad, he Boss continued to work harder and Bobby left, he was sorely missed.
would always make sure to say harder, even earning an entry into The relationships Bobby built
hello to everyone in town. They the Colgate-Palmolive Hall of Fame created lasting trust that customers
all loved him, but one day when in 1984. But life away from home greatly admired.
44 Lubbock Senior Link