Page 54 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 54

Maj. John
                           Edwards, Ret.                       A Home with the U.S.

                                                               by Marita Tedder

                                                           deals with anything   In 1985, the Edwards family
                                                           made of steel on      was sent to Saudi Arabia where
                                                           the battlefield. He   John provided technical training
                                                           became a Tank and     for the Saudi forces in how to
                                                           Mobility Officer      use the maintenance facilities
                                                           assigned to the       built there by the U.S. Army
                                                           82nd Airborne         Corps of Engineers. He was one
                                                           Division at Fort      of eight officers doing training
                                                           Bragg and moved       throughout Saudi Arabia. It was
                                                           on to become a        there that he wrote the “Combat
                                                           Jump Master.          Services Support Guide”—which
                                                                                 has been updated throughout its
                                                           Edward’s next stop    four editions and was used by
               f you think about war, have                 was in Germany,       the Army worldwide. Many of
               you ever wondered how a         where he was on a classified      the concepts presented are still in
            Ifort, or base, is suddenly        assignment with the British       use today.
            built in the middle of the desert   Army. On this stop, he met his
            to support our troops and front    wife of 48 years: Josephine (or   When the Desert Shield
            lines? That is logistics, and that   Jo), who was a British school   operations began, Edwards
            is what became the specialty of    teacher for the children of the   was there. He was assigned to
            Maj. John Edwards, Ret. during     British Army stationed there. Jo’s   a Special Operations Logistics
            Desert Shield—which became         roommate’s fiancé was friends     Team, during which time he
            Desert Storm. He simplifies it     with Edwards. John and Jo dated   planned operations with the
            down to “Beans, Bullets, and       for a year and got married (after   Saudi forces. His role was finding
            Bandages”—but there is far more    she was investigated) in England.   appropriate locations for base
            to it. Thirteen support troops     Edwards was reassigned to the     camps. He was often alone in
            are required for each frontline    15th Maintenance Company in       the desert with a compass and a
            warrior.                           Fulda, West Germany—where         map. He describes Desert Storm
                                               their first son was born.         as an “amazing 30-day light
            While Edwards did intend to                                          show.” It was his only combat
            serve in the military, as his father   In 1978, the Edwards family
            did, he never thought it would     moved back to the U.S.,
            be his career. He attended NMSU    stationed at Aberdeen Proving
            in Las Cruces, NM, majoring        Ground on Cheaspeake Bay in
            in agriculture. (His father was    Maryland. During that time,
            a Personnel Adjutant at White      Edwards received Advanced
            Sands Missile Range.) While        Course Training and his master’s
            there, he was in ROTC, but he      in business administration.
            expected to spend a few years in   He then taught ROTC at the
            the Army and then come back        University of Maine. Their twins
            and raise horses. Instead, he      were born there in 1980.
            “found a home” with the U.S.
            Army. If he could, he’d still be   The Fifth Infantry Division at
            there today. He says, “I didn’t    Fort Polk, in Louisiana, was his
            always like the Army, but I        next assignment, where he was
            always loved being a soldier.”     tasked with organizing a new
                                               forward support battalion and
            His career began as a 2nd          was promoted to Major.
            Lieutenant of Ordnance—which

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