Page 49 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 49


             for the winners. Teachers of these grades may also   monthly meetings. These gatherings offer a chance
             be nominated to receive a cash award for their      to hear from knowledgeable speakers, participate in
             outstanding performance.  This initiative helps bring   engaging discussions and connect with like-minded
             history to life, making it more tangible and engaging   individuals.
             for young learners.
                                                                 "Joining the General James Smith Chapter of the DRT
             Accomplishments and Goals                           is an incredible opportunity to make lifelong friends
                                                                 and delve into the rich history of our great state.
             The Chapter has made significant contributions to   Our meetings are a wonderful mix of camaraderie
             the preservation and promotion of Texas history in   and learning, where women come together to share
             Lubbock. Through various programs and initiatives,   stories, enjoy engaging presentations and work on
             the chapter has fostered a deeper understanding and   meaningful projects. We warmly invite any woman
             appreciation of Texas' rich historical heritage.    with a passion for Texas history to attend a meeting
                                                                 and see what a welcoming and enriching community
              Additionally, the chapter gives an annual scholarship   we have. Come be a part of this remarkable group
             to a graduating senior, which is also open to the   and help us keep Texas history alive," said Chapter
                                                                 President Christi Blackwell.
             Looking forward, the chapter aims to expand its     For more information about the Daughters of
             outreach and continue its efforts in preserving Texas   the Republic of Texas and the General James
             history. There is a commitment to engaging the      Smith Chapter, please visit Interested
             community, particularly younger generations, in     individuals are encouraged to reach out via email
             learning about and appreciating the state's past. By   at for further details about
             organizing more educational programs and activities,   joining or attending a meeting, which is open to the
             the chapter hopes to keep the spirit of Texas history   public. The chapter looks forward to welcoming
             alive for present and future descendants.
                                                                 new members and continuing its important work in
             Membership Qualifications and Invitation            preserving the history of the Republic of Texas.

             Membership in the Daughters of the Republic of      Participation in the General James Smith Chapter
             Texas is open to women who can prove lineal descent   not only deepens the understanding of Texas history
             from a man or woman who served Texas before         but also plays a vital role in ensuring that this rich
             annexation in 1846. This requirement ensures that   heritage is preserved and celebrated for generations
             members have a direct connection to the state's early   to come.
             history, fostering a deep personal investment in the
             organization's mission and activities.

             The General James Smith Chapter invites women
             who meet these qualifications to join this vibrant
             community. Membership provides an opportunity
             to contribute to the preservation of Texas history,
             participate in educational and community
             activities, and connect with others who share a
             passion for the state's rich heritage.

             Invitation to Engage

             The General James Smith Chapter welcomes those
             interested in learning more about Texas history
             and contributing to its preservation to attend their

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