Page 59 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 59



         Stanley arrived home in the states on the Fourth of
         July, 1945.   He was transferred to the 506th Battalion
         at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina until his discharge on              Texas South Plains
         February 5th, 1946.  He returned to Purdue University
         to finish his degree.  After graduating in 1948, he                     War Stories
         went to work for Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis as a
         chemical engineer.  While in St. Louis, he met his               Interviews with Veterans
         future wife, Isobel (Susie), on a blind date.  They had
         one daughter, Susan, through adoption after they                     from World War II
         moved to Matawan, New Jersey.  In 1974, they were
         transferred to Bakersfield, California.  In 1978, Susan                 to Afghanistan
         came to Texas Tech in Lubbock, and Stanley and Susie
         moved to Lubbock in 1984.                                          by LARRY A. WILLIAMS

         Now 95 years old, Stanley can look back on a long               and KATHERINE MCLAMORE
         life well-lived.  When asked what he would like to
         be remembered for,
         in an understatement
         common for the                                                   Documenting recollections from
         Greatest Generation,                                             survivors of World War II, Korea,
         he simply said that he                                           Vietnam and other conflicts—all
         would “just like to live
         and die.”  Especially                                             residents of the Texas Panhan-
         as a first generation                                           dle—this book presents narratives
         American, we all owe                                               from men and women whose
         Stanley our thanks and
         gratitude for his service                                         young lives, for good or ill, were
         to our country.                                                   defined by their participation in
                                                                         warfare in service to their country.

                                                                                To order a copy,
                                                                                  please contact
         StanLeY BoBrowSki
         passed on September 18, 2019 at                                       Larry Williams at
         the age of 96.                                         
                                                                                  (806) 252-6695

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