Page 51 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 51

ceLeBratinG 10 YearS           VeteranS

                                  wounded was often during     country.”        eDition
                                  the heat of the battle.” While   After 63                       rank
                                  in Vietnam, he received the   years,
                                  Distinguished Flying Cross,   Bernie                            Lt. General/
                                  the Bronze Star Medal with   is still                           Army Surgeon
                                  a V (for Valor) with Oak     serving                            General
                                  Leaf Cluster as well as other   his
                                  awards for his service.      adopted country. When asked how
                                                               he would like to be remembered, he
                                  After his 12-month Vietnam   simply stated, “How fortunate I was   BrancH
           Gen. Mittemeyer and his   tour, Bernie seriously    to become an American.”            Army
                                  considered leaving the service.
           But he elected to stay in the Army and was transferred to
           Ft. George Meade in Maryland as the Chief of Urology,
           Chairman of Surgery and Chief Professional Services. “I
           had three jobs at once!” he recalled. In 1971 he attended   Respectfully submitted by
           the U.S. Army War College for one year, then was again   Larry A. Williams,
           assigned to Walter Reed Medical Center. This time he   Texas South Plains Honor Flight
           served as Chief of Urology, later Chief of Department of   Veterans Liaison Co-Chair
           Surgery and consultant in urology to the Army Surgeon
           General. In July, 1977 the experienced doctor was assigned
           to be Commander of the U.S. Army Medical Command/
           Korea Surgeon, eighth U.S. Army and Commander of the     Lt. GeneraL Dr.
           121st hospital in Seoul, Korea. Nine months later (April
           1978), he was promoted to Brigadier General and assigned   BernHarD MitteMeYer
           as Chief Medical Corps Affairs to the Army Surgeon       passed on January 25, 2023, at the age
           General. He was then promoted to Major General and
           served as Commander of Walter Reed Medical Center. In    of 92.
           October of 1981 he was promoted to Lt. General and Army
           Surgeon General retiring in March 1985 at which time he
           was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal.
           After his military service, the general was part of a
           group that started Health Services in California which
           eventually opened up 20 HMOs, and was later sold to
           Traveler’s Insurance. Not long afterward, Bernie was
           contacted by Dr. Lauro Cavazos and asked if he would
           like to “come to Lubbock, Texas and go to work at the
           Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center as Executive
           Vice President.” The esteemed doctor began his career
           at TTUHSC in November 1986. During a 10 year period,
           he helped establish a division of Urology and later the
           Department of Urology. He also served as Interim Medical
           School Dean and Interim President of the Health Sciences
           Center. In 2009 he returned the Urology Department which
           is now named in his honor, and continues to work there

            While in medical school Bernie married Patricia Kuhn
           (1954). They raised four children: Jan, Tom, Robert and
           Sarah. In 1996, he married Mary Beth Smith who has
           two sons Brandt and Adam. Together they have eight

           Dr. Mittemeyer remains humble and has a servant’s heart,
           even though he holds numerous military decorations and
           a long list of professional rewards and honors. He remains
           passionate about “taking care of our veterans.” He has
           especially enjoyed his work at the VA Clinic in Lubbock to
           “help care for the men and women that have served our

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