Page 58 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 58

ceLeBratinG 10 YearS

                 Stanley Bobrowski, Jr.
                                                               Son of a Russian Officer

                                                               by Larry A. Williams

                                                                                of action quickly and deliver mass
                                                                                fire in a very short time period.
                                                                                The mortar proved so successful
                                                                                that it was mounted on boats to
                                                                                cover beach assaults in the Pacific.
                                                                                Bobrowski was a college student
                                                                                when he enlisted. He noted
                                                                                that “everybody went in (the
                                                                                service), so I did too.” His major
                                              on a Math scholarship, Stanley    in Chemical Engineering tied in
                                              enlisted in the Army on March     well with the Chemical Weapons
                                              3, 1943. Right after enlistment   Service during WWII.  After
                                              and before basic training, he was   more training, Stanley’s unit was
                                              assigned to further education     sent to Northern California for
                                              studies in Chemical Engineering   more training and then to a camp
                                              at the University of Pennsylvania.
               tanley J. Bobrowski, Jr.       Having been a former high school   north of New Orleans.  The unit
               of Lubbock, Texas didn’t       track star, during his time at    boarded a troop train at Camp
          Shave the typical family            Penn, he was recruited to run in   Shelby, Mississippi and headed
           upbringing that most South Plains   the prestigious Penn Relays. He   for Camp Miles Standish near
           WWII veterans had. His father,     placed 2nd in the 220 and was     Boston, Massachusetts.  The
           Stanley Bobrowski, was born        part of the winning relay team.    battalion left Boston Harbor on
           in Russia in 1881.  He served in                                     January 18, 1945 on board the
           the Russian Cavalry and came       His basic training took place at   Santa Maria.  They were escorted
           to the United States in 1906.  His   Camp Sibert in Alabama. (The    by an English battleship and DE
           father, who worked in a steel      camp was named after Major        (destroyer) boats.  En route to La
           mill, was active in the Holy       General William L. Sibert, a native   Havre, France, the convoy was
           Rosary Church in North Chicago     of nearby Gadsden, Alabama.       attacked by German U boats.
           and was the bell ringer for the    A veteran of WWI, Sibert was      Once in La Havre, the battalion
           church until his death in 1960.    the first Chief of the Chemical   departed for Camp Lucky Strike
           Stanley Jr., one of eight children,   Warfare Service.) Stanley was   in France.  The 93rd joined up
           was born on January 27, 1923       assigned to the newly activated   with the Fifteenth Army and
           in North Chicago.  His mother,     93rd Chemical Mortar Battalion,   headed to Germany with its
           Anna, was a housewife. Four of     Company C.  The Battalion was     newly motorized equipment.
           the boys served in the military    equipped with 4.2-inch mortars.    Attached to the 87th Infantry
           during WWII.  Stanley joked        It was a multi-purpose weapon     Division, and after crossing
           that, between them, they “served   employed in close support of      the Rhine at Trier, France into
           in almost every branch of the      combat ground troops. It had      Germany, Company C of the
           service.”                          the ability to fire toxic agents,   93rd went through the towns
                                              smoke and high explosives.  The   of Oberporlitz and Saalfeld,
           Though he had already begun        Chemical Warfare Service saw the   supported an attack on Schleiz
           studies at Purdue University                           mortar as     with fire and destroyed buildings
                                                                  a mobile      in Theuma.  Enemy positions
                                                                  and           were destroyed by the 93rd east
       This article (from 2018) is the fifth of ten               flexible      of Theuma.  Their last mission
       articles we are reprinting to celebrate Senior             weapon        was firing on enemy positions
                                                                                at Stockigt.  On April 20, 1945,
       Link's decade of honoring area veterans.                   that could    Company C was relieved from the
                                                                  be placed
                                                                  in and out    field.

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