Page 52 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 52

Jon and Dr.
                      Katherine Harris                         Forever Serving

                                                                                 and England. Jon completed his
                                                                                 bachelor's degree and taught
                                                                                 Criminal Justice at Central Texas
                                                                                 College and City Colleges of
                                                                                 Chicago. Jon's students were all
                                                                                 active military members, many
                                                                                 from his unit.

                                                                                  Jon's last tour was his only
                                                                                 stateside assignment during his
                                                                                 career. There, he became chief
                                                                                 of military police investigations
                                                                                 for New Jersey, New York, and
                                                                                 Pennsylvania. Jon's military
                                                                                 service ended in 1995 when he
                                                                                 was medically retired as a 100%
             Jon and his loyal companion, Jack, at FOB Sharana                   combat-disabled veteran.
             Afghanistan with his Afghan security team
                                                                                 But the story doesn't end there.
                 he military runs deep in      achievements, including being     Before the military, Jon was a
                 the family. Jon Harris'       selected as the Noncommissioned   police officer in Houston and
            Tactive-duty service was           Officer (NCO) of the Year for the   the surrounding areas. After
            during the Cold War. He joined     Berlin Brigade. His induction into   his military service ended, he
            the US Army in 1985 and served     the prestigious Sergeant Morales   returned to that profession.
            as a Military Police Officer and   Club, an honor reserved for the   Jon served as a canine police
            Russian Linguist, stationed with   top 1% of NCOs, is a testament to   officer searching for drugs on
            the Berlin Brigade at Checkpoint   his outstanding performance and   the highways of Texas. His wife
            Alpha. His wife Katherine          dedication to his service.        Katherine received her Doctorate
            accompanied him in Germany,
            along with their three-month-      After the Iron Curtain fell, Jon
            old son. Because of her language   transferred to southern Germany
            capabilities, she became the       in preparation for deployment
            Liaison for the German, British,   to Iraq during Desert Storm. An
            and French forces stationed at the   injury during that preparation
            Helmstedt Detachment, where        precluded his deployment to
            the checkpoint was located. The    the war zone. He became the
            Harrises came to the military      rear Detachment Commander,
            a little late, a theme that runs   supporting his now-deployed
            throughout their lives.            unit. Taking advantage of
                                               the military's benefits and
            Jon's journey in the military is   experiences, he and Katherine
            a testament to his exceptional     traveled all over Europe and
            abilities and unwavering           completed their degrees.
            dedication. Joining the military   Katherine received her master’s
            at thirty, he quickly ascended     in international relations from
            the ranks. His time in Berlin      Boston University, studying      Katherine counseling service members who are
            was marked by significant          remotely in Germany, Belgium,    about to end their service

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