Page 107 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 107


             time, I would go shopping." She chuckles, highlighting   fashion with the utmost honor and respect.  Seeing
             the mundane yet cherished moments that defined their   this solidified for us the decision that Santos Moreno,
             weekends together amidst military duties.           owner of Lake Ridge Chapel and Memorial Designers,
                                                                 made months ago to move General Major William
             Through it all, Ann emphasizes the resilience and   Edgar Murphy’s body to the West Texas Veterans
             camaraderie among military families. "We leaned on   Cemetery upon its completion. This resolve serves as
             each other for support," she says, acknowledging the   an act of continued family support, a way to honor the
             bonds forged through shared experiences of sacrifice   veteran families by bringing their fallen closer to home
             and service. "There's a deep understanding among    and continue the mission upon which Lake Ridge
             military spouses—we celebrate each other's victories   Chapel and Memorial Designers was built.
             and lift each other up during the tough times."
                                                                 With warm
             She spoke fondly of one couple in particular whom   embraces, we
             she and Edgar befriended, having shared this military   thanked her for
             lifestyle, Edgar’s Commander, Major Sergeant Mike   her time, and
             Graham and his beautiful wife, Ellen, from Sherman,   she left us with
             Texas. Edgar and Ann were gifted a stately statue of   these parting
             a soldier by another friend, that they fondly named   words of
             “Mike” as he resembled their dear friend. Sadly, Mike   encouragement
             passed in 2017, three years prior to Edgar’s passing   for our military
             in 2021. Despite the distance between them, Ann and   families:
             Ellen have remained the best of friends throughout all   “Just keep on
             these years.                                        keeping on.”

             For Ann, speaking about the sacrifices of military
             families isn't just about recounting personal
             experiences; it's about raising awareness of the
             challenges faced by those who serve on the home
             front. "It's important for people to understand
             that military spouses and families make sacrifices
             that often go unseen," she asserts. "Behind every
             successful military career, there's a family who
             shoulders the burden and makes it possible."
             When asked for some “words of wisdom” for
             younger spouses of military men and women, she          wisdom inspired senior education
             gazed, lost in thoughts of the past, and quietly said,
             “You need to remember to be blessed that you have       A place for
             each other.”                                            seniors to
             Ann Murphy embodies the quiet strength and              belong!
             resilience of military spouses everywhere. We were
             honored to be so graciously welcomed into her           Join Lake Ridge’s W.I.S.E.
             home, yet with a soft, but stern tone, she insisted that   (Wisdom Inspired Senior
             we vow that this article would not be about her, but    Education) group for
             more of a glimpse inside “the military family and the   dinners, events, and
             burdens they share,” as this is something that Edgar    workshops on the 1  and 3                       ©2021 MKJ Marketing
             would have wanted for his brothers and sisters          Tuesday of every month.
             in arms and the families that stand behind them.
             Ann’s story serves as a testament to the courage and    Topics include:
             sacrifices woven into the fabric of military life—a life   • Health & Wellness
             marked by duty, honor, and the enduring bonds of      • Safety & Prevention
             love of the “Unsung Heroes.”                          • Changes As We Age         PRESENTED
                                                                                                   ha l &  emo ia   esigne
             As we left her home that day, we could not help             Join us as we            LAKE RIDGE
             admiring the space where she honors Edgar at the        continue to WISE up!
             start of each day, a beautifully fashioned office where   Event coordinator:              (806) 698-8085
             all his accomplishments are displayed in orderly        Laura Landes

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