Page 13 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
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year’s Literary Lubbock,   Preserving histories, like that of the Mallet
                                     which will be held at     Ranch, is a key reason TTU Press exists. West Texas
                                     the McKenzie-Merket       is a historically underserved and underexplored area
                                     Alumni Center on Nov.     of Texas and the American West. Where other larger
                                     12.                       publishers might not see the value in publishing books
                                                               about Hockley County, or Tascosa, or Amarillo, TTU
                                     Literary Lubbock          Press seeks out the stories of our region, and we want
                                     2023 featured one of      to hear from authors who have stories to tell. TTU Press
                                     TTU Press’ highly         always accepts new book ideas, and we encourage you
                                     collaborative books,      to contact us if you have written a manuscript you think
                                     More Than Running         might fit within our publishing scope. More information
         Cattle: The Mallet Ranch of the South Plains. Published in   about submitting a manuscript and beginning the review
         partnership with the National Ranching Heritage Center,   process can be found on our website, at www.ttupress.
         this book tells the story of the DeVitt family, renowned   org/author-resources.
         in West Texas history for their ranching prowess, diligent
         stewardship, and impactful philanthropy.              TTU Press is eager to connect with our community
                                                               and hear from our readers. Look for us at in-person
         The DeVitt sisters, Christine and Helen, have established   events such as the Lubbock Arts Festival, the West Texas
         some of the most impactful foundations within the     Historical Association meetings, or the Texas Book
         region, such as The CH Foundation and the Helen Jones   Festival. We would love to know how books impacted
         Foundation, Inc. Without the DeVitt sisters and their   you – maybe they spurred you to begin a new career,
         vision for what West Texas could be, many places on the   to imagine a bold innovation, to create a beautiful piece
         South Plains would look and feel quite different. More   of art. Whatever your literary journey has been, TTU
         Than Running Cattle gives readers a deeper appreciation   Press supports reading, readers, and the community of
         for the DeVitt family, who weathered struggles but also   learning. Think about dusting off an old favorite from
         achieved incredible success thanks to the ranch they   your shelf today — we hope it is one of ours!
         began in Hockley County, Texas.

                              PUBLISHING EXCELLENCE FOR OVER 50 YEARS

           Who We Are: Book and Journal Publisher             Why We Matter:
           Where We Work: Texas Tech University,                •   Our nonprofit publishing model allows us to take on
           1120 Main Street, Downtown Lubbock                       regional and intellectually valuable projects that
                                                                    commercial publishers decline.
           What We Publish:
                                                                •   Our unique literary prizes support early-career writers.
             •   Academic nonfiction (Texas and the American    •   Our academic nonfiction program focuses on
                 West, Vietnam War, Environmental History, Black    underserved communities.
                 Studies, Border Studies, Jewish History and    •   Our peer review program seeks to remedy inequity in
                 Culture, Indigenous Studies, Women and Gender      publishing.
                 Studies, Cookbooks and Foodways, Biography and  •  Our series partnerships connect TTU’s mission with
                 Autobiography)                                     like-minded institutions in Texas and across the
             •   Literary prize-winners (poetry, fiction, short stories)  country.
                                                                •   Our local programs engage with and enrich the
                          Support Our Work?                         broader Lubbock community of readers, writers, and
                          Connect With Us!                          literary enthusiasts.
                                                                •   Our internship programs provide publishing industry
                                              career experience for TTU undergraduate and
                          806-742-2982                              graduate students.

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