Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2024 - Online Magazine
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        Exploring the

        Museum of


        by Dr. Aaron D. Pan and Laura Ray

               estled in the heart of Lubbock, Texas, the nearly   house and a
               100-year-old Museum of Texas Tech University   morning glory
       Noffers a diverse range of captivating exhibitions     quilt. The next
        and engaging programs that span the cultural and natural   Come and See
        spectrum of the Southern High Plains and the greater   program will be
        Southwest. This multidisciplinary university museum   this fall Oct. 25-
        also conducts groundbreaking research and publishes on   26 in the Helen
        a variety of subjects, from bugs to beauty queens.    DeVitt Jones
        The museum houses six collecting divisions consisting
        of more than 9.5 million objects and specimens, ranking   The Illustrator’s
        it the 19th largest natural history museum and seventh   Book Club,
        largest clothing and textile museum in the country. These   created by Tracee Robertson, the museum’s Helen DeVitt
        collection disciplines include anthropology, art, clothing   Jones curator of art, brings art and fiction together in
        and textiles, history, natural history, and paleontology.   this dynamic program. The book club explores artist
        With nine long-term galleries and 10 rotating galleries,   illustrators and their works through the books for which
        the museum spans nearly 100,000 square feet of exhibition  they were produced. The most recent book club meeting
        space, allowing all the collection areas to be represented.   featured The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne with
        A visit to the museum is sure to offer something to stir   illustrations by N.C. Wyeth. The book club also gives
        curiosity. The exhibitions are curated to ignite excitement,   participants an in-depth tour of the Diamond M Gallery,
        inspire, and engage the youngest child to the most senior   and refreshments are provided. The next iteration of the
        visitor. The museum also regularly brings in stimulating   book club will feature the serial work, The Newcomes by
        traveling exhibitions from around the world and thought-  William Makepeace Thackeray, and the painting Clive and
        provoking speakers, most recently former NASA         Ethel Newcome by Howard Pyle. As a serial work, the book
        astronaut Scott Kelly and American creative Marc Balet.  club will meet quarterly, starting this fall.

        The museum’s programming is particularly notable as it   University museums should also be producers of
        offers a wide array of topics and experiences, allowing the   knowledge, not just conveyers of others’ discoveries and
        community to engage with the museum and staff more    makings. In this regard, research plays a significant role
        fully. "Come and See" is a popular program developed   at the Museum of Texas Tech. Two of its internationally
        and hosted by Dr. Marian Ann Montgomery, curator      recognized units, the Natural Science Research
        of clothing and textiles. This program allows visitors to   Laboratory (NSRL) and Lubbock Lake Landmark, greatly
        get a closer look at objects in the collection and learn the   contribute to this part of the mission.
        stories, context, and interesting tidbits behind them. Her
        most recent program had a “spring” theme including a   The NSRL works to build and preserve a library of Earth’s
        beautiful floral dress from Oscar de la Renta’s fashion   natural heritage for research, teaching, and exhibition

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