Page 15 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 15


               Dr. David Fraze

               The Path

               with Christ

               by Brady Simmons

                   avid Wayne Fraze was        drink hats  in a
                   born in Lewisville, Texas,   shop somewhere.
           Don September 13, 1968,
            Friday the 13th. His parents named   Fraze loved to be
            him after his uncle, Jerry Wayne,   involved in as much as he
            who died in Vietnam a month        could as a kid and even
            earlier. This grew his curiosity and   now in his later years. Even
            respect for the armed forces later.   though football is one of his
            His parents never made it known    main passions, he also loves
            that they were lower class because,   being creative in different
            to Fraze, it always seemed like they   types of arts. Mainly, he
            were well off, a testament of true   enjoys writing songs and
            happiness. Before David was born,   always led singing when
            one of his sisters went up to the   in college at the churches        beasts fly up into the air gracefully,
            preacher during Sunday school—     he was attending. Anywhere he      and his curiosity rose just as high.
            his parents being at home—and      went, he made sure he was in a
            asked if, because her parents were   church, and there was football   After high school, it was clear
            always drinking and smoking,       within five miles. His passion     that God was intending for him
            were they going to hell? The       for football drove him to want to   to become a minister and study
            preacher wrote their names down    play in college, and his love and   theology at a small, private college:
            in his note pad and visited them   respect for the armed forces made   Lubbock Christian University.
            later about what their daughter    him want to be a pilot in the Air   Here, he got his master's in
            had said. From then on, they were   Force. He started working on his   theology and met a wonderful
            a church-going family, and David   pilot license in the early nineties   woman named Lisa, a younger
            grew up going to church regularly.   but never got to finish; he hopes to   sister to one of his college friends.
            He always worked with the church   do that someday. His grandfather   The first time they met, she was
            in some way and, like most high    would take him to Love Field, and   sunbathing in her backyard when
            schoolers, started making money    they would watch the planes take   he and his friend were there for the
            by working on yards—and making     off. He watched the magnificent    weekend. Apparently, from that

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