Page 12 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 12


              “One Dot at

               a Time”

              Linda Wagner

              by Townley Moore

                  ne of the things I enjoy    grade, and she
                  most in the world is        taught me different
          Obaking. Since I can                techniques, from
           remember, I have loved watching    piping roses to                    secretary. Some days, she would
           the Great British Baking Show on   building roses with fondant.       even “draw the cockroaches out of
           Netflix. It was from watching this                                    the woodwork” by making some of
           show that I have discovered my     Linda is the definition of someone   her famous fried cake in the office
           dream job: to own a bakery. As     with a pure heart. She loves to put   kitchen.
           a middle schooler, I was lucky     a smile on the faces of everyone   She has treated me like her own
           enough to go to church with        she comes into contact with, either   granddaughter, and that is a
           Linda Wagner, and I learned        by making their visions come true   privilege I can never repay. Linda,
           that she not only had experience   in the form of a cake or by simply   on many occasions, has gifted me
           decorating cakes, but she also     smiling when she sees them and     with everything I could need to
           sold them as well. I started to    giving away the biggest hug. She   start my own bakery, from a mixer
           take cake decorating lessons with   is retired now from working at    to an airbrush kit and everything
           Linda when I was in the sixth      the Sunset International Bible
                                              Institute where she served as a    in between. If it wasn’t for her, I

           Article Submitted by
           Townley Moore                                                  MONTEREY

              Townley Moore is a senior at Monterey High School. She participates in AP Research,
              Mock Trial, and is fulfilling an internship at Sunset Church of Christ. Her parents are
              Craig and Kimberly Moore. When she graduates, she hopes to eventually open a
              bakery, but in the meantime, she will pursue a career in the business field.

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