Page 16 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 16


                                                                                     breast cancer. One thing he
                                                                                     noticed when they repeatedly
                                                                                     went in for scans was that the
                                                                                     doctors were uneasy about
                                                                                     how calm they were. Their
                                                                                     faith brought peace to them,
                                                                                     so they were prepared for
                                                                                     anything that came their way.
                                                                                     He knows it all starts with

                                             Greenlawn in the church and             The way he was talked about
                                             focusing on his ministry. One      when he wasn’t around caught my
                                             day, while he was driving a bus of   attention. He is the guy everyone
                                             middle school girls, a trailer pulled   wants to talk to. He travels around
                                             out in front of them. A few girls   and speaks on the two things
                                             lost their lives that day, and he was   most important to him: family and
                                             blamed. Sparing the details, he was   Jesus. Although not everywhere he
                                             sued, and people tried pushing     goes does he mention the gospel,
                                             guilt. My grandparents lost their   if anyone is listening carefully,
                                             youngest child that day, but they   they will realize that he is always
                                             never pointed a finger at David    mentioning the truth. David says
          moment on, he figured he should    because they knew the man he was   it is an honor to walk with the
                                                                                person he loves the most through
          pursue her. When she came to       and knew that this was not the     all the hardships. A “Fraze-ism” he
          LCU, that is exactly what he did,   way to cope and grieve over the   lives by is “Live life for the people
          and a year and half later, they got   daughter they had just lost.    who are going to be around your
          married. He was twenty-one, and    Fraze went up to Abilene Christian   bed when you die.” I am thrilled
          she was nineteen. Thirty-three     University after this in 2000 and   to have gotten to have him by my
          years later, he tells the story as if it   got his master's in divinity. When   side through most of my years as
          was yesterday. They worked at the   he moved back to Lubbock, he      a teenager because of the way he
          church together and went through   was a professor in theology and    has impacted my life and how I
          life side by side, through all the   taught my dad. Several years after   see him impact the lives of others.
          struggles and the prosperous       that, after he moved to Dallas and   David Fraze is a good mentor and
          times.                             coached at Richland High School,   a better friend.

          Soon, he began working with        his wife, Lisa, started battling

          Article Submitted by
          Brady Simmons                                               LUBBOCK CHRISTIAN

                Brady  Simmons  is  a  senior  at  Lubbock  Christian  High  School.  His  parents  are
                Dustin and Jocelyn Simmons.  He has an older sister in college. He loves to play
                all sports and enjoys hiking and biking when he can and is planning to go into
                Aerospace Engineering.

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