Page 18 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2024 - Online Magazine
P. 18


              Mary Lou Turner

              The “Queen”

              of Lubbock

              by Caroline Paine

                legance and class are the first   graduated with
                words that come to mind       a PHT.” If you're
          Ewhen I think of my great-          not familiar with a PHT,
           grandmother, Mary Lou Turner.      it stands for “Putting Him
           In fact, my family regularly refers   Through,” which was a
           to her as “the Queen.” Mary Lou    common occurrence at
           Turner was born in Gatesville,     that time for wives to
           Texas on August 10, 1931. During   give precedence to their
           her senior year of high school,    husband’s education over
           one of her family members, who     their own.
           lived in Lubbock, took ill, and
           consequently, she and her family   In 1961, Moe Turner
           moved to Lubbock in 1948. For the   founded his own
           rest of her senior year, she attended   construction company, M.
           Lubbock High School where she      W. Turner Construction.
           met Morris (Moe) Wayne Turner.     Throughout his career,
                                              Mary Lou was constantly
           After graduating, Moe Turner       involved in his business,          to the Lubbock City Council as a
           was recruited to the Texas Tech    helping to keep books and          councilman, and in 1972, he was
           football team as their quarterback.   do the payroll. Outside of the   elected mayor, making Mary Lou
           In December of 1950, Moe and       business, Mary Lou was also        the First Lady of Lubbock. On
           Mary Lou married, and not long     heavily involved in the Lubbock    May 11, 1970, a powerful tornado
           after, Mary Lou was expecting      community, serving as the          struck downtown Lubbock,
           the first of their three children.   Women’s Club President and       killing 26 people, and devastating
           After graduating from Tech with a   Treasurer of the Monday Study     much of the downtown area. As
           degree in business, Moe joined the   Club. Mary Lou was also President   her husband tended to council
           United States Air Force.           of the Women’s Division of         responsibilities in the days
                                              Lubbock’s Chamber of Commerce.     following this tragedy, Mary
           I asked Mary Lou if she graduated                                     Lou also leapt into action. Not
           from Tech, and she replied, “I     In 1968, Moe Turner was elected    considering her position too lofty,

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