Page 88 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 88


            DO YOUR TREES

          Deserve a "D"?

          by Sam A. Foncham, PhD

               ou are the best judge when it comes to
               taking care of your trees or making a
         Ydecision with the help of an arborist.
         Here are a few things to guide you through             is important. If you need an explanation, talk to your
         your decision. It’s easier than you may imagine: Dead,   arborist.
         disease, dangerous, distorted, displaced, discolored,
         disliked. Let us briefly discuss them:                 DISLIKE:
                                                                What was once a beautiful tree may become unwanted
         DEAD:                                                  for several reasons. It may have outgrown its space
         A dead tree means that it’s gone for good. That means   or has grown into a utility line, for example. It is not
         there is no more growth. The bark may be peeled off, and   recommended to cut roots of trees as this may create other
         other infections may follow, like bores in the trunk or   problems such as diseases. Talk to your arborist.
         mushrooms at the base. If in doubt, wait until spring to be
         sure that the tree is not just dormant but really dead. You   For any questions about your trees and landscape, call
         may need the help of a professional to evaluate.       Sam at 806-786-5284 or email him at Samuelfoncham@
         The tree may have an infection but is not dead. Watch   Sam is the owner of Sam and Co. Trees and Landscape,
         out for leaf exudates (secretions), discoloration, or other   established in 1995.
         abnormalities. A whitish sap may be a fungus which at   It has a 5-star rating, the best of its class. Sam earned a
         times is a secondary infection. The primary pest is a bug,   PhD in Family and Consumer Science Education (FCSE)
         creating wounds in the leaf, which becomes a substrate   and holds graduate degrees in Plant and Soil Science
         for the fungus.                                        from Texas Tech. He was named Arborist of the Year in
                                                                Lubbock (2022).
         Some trees are a time bomb. Some have broken
         branches just waiting to fall. Others may be tilted to one
         side. The soil below the tree may not be able to bear the
         weight, and the whole tree or a large branch can come
         crashing down during a storm or without any notice at

         Ideally, trees are supposed to be symmetrical. As a
         result of competition, trees may grow to one side. Also,
         tree topping distorts the natural conformation of a tree.
         We shape bushes, but we trim trees. The difference

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