Page 73 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
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on families and caregivers. From mobility aids to achievements
communication devices, their support is vital. of the support
group, to, yet
In support of this compassionate organization lie three again, honor
key annual fundraisers: those who are
• The Annual Kyle Burkhalter Memorial Golf actively battling
Tournament, where avid golfers and supporters the disease and
come together in Yoakum County to swing their to memorialize
clubs for a cause. This event raises funds and those we have
fosters a sense of community among participants, lost. Likewise,
emphasizing the power of solidarity. this event
• The Annual West Texas Walk to Defeat ALS, not only those
a symbolic journey reflecting the collective strides entities and
made in the fight against ALS. Families, friends, and individuals
supporters walk side by side, representing the unity who give so generously to support the cause but also
and determination that defines this group's power. the resilience of our ALS patients and their families,
This event raises awareness, honors those who have bringing the community together for an evening of
been lost, and fosters a sense of camaraderie among reflection, fundraising, and entertainment, creating
attendees. memories that linger long after the night has ended.
• The Annual Gala, a night of glamour and Its deep-rooted connection with the West Texas
generosity serves as a platform to celebrate the community sets the West Texas ALS Support Group
Your support allows us to provide mini-grants for equipment wisdom inspired senior education
and services not covered by insurance, monthly support
group meetings and education, as well as other support A place for
services that are necessary for battling this disease.
seniors to
For more information on how to support the West Texas ALS
Support Group, please visit belong!
Join Lake Ridge’s W.I.S.E.
(Wisdom Inspired Senior
Education) group for
dinners, events, and
workshops on the 1 and 3 ©2021 MKJ Marketing
Tuesday of every month.
Topics include:
• Health & Wellness
• Safety & Prevention
• Changes As We Age PRESENTED
Join us as we LAKE RIDGE
ha l & emo ia esigne
continue to WISE up!
Scan QR code to go to Event coordinator: (806) 698-8085
Laura Landes
Lubbock Senior Link 73