Page 72 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 72

                                                     TO  Serve

         West Texas ALS Support Group


          By Laura Landes

             n the heart of West Texas, amidst   After Jackie’s passing in March   group has become a lifeline for many
             the rolling plains and warm-     2020, Patricia handed the reigns to   families facing the challenges of ALS.
         Ihearted communities, the West       Amanda Stephens, Jackie’s former
          Texas ALS Support Group stands as   speech–language pathologist, who   The West Texas ALS Support Group
          a beacon of strength and assistance   has continued to direct the support   is driven by the passion to make
          for families battling Amyotrophic   group and established it as a non-  a difference in the lives of those
          Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in Lubbock   profit in November 2022.  Becoming   affected by ALS. Their unwavering
          and its surrounding areas.          a non-profit has enabled the West   commitment offers a wide range
                                              Texas ALS Support Group to accept   of essential medical supplies and
          In 2018, Jackie Shaw was diagnosed   financial                         equipment, easing the burden
          with ALS. She and her daughters     donations and
          quickly realized that, due to a lack   begin working
          of knowledge of resources in the    towards
          Lubbock area, they were forced to   founding an
          seek care at a specialty clinic in the   ALS specialty
          Dallas area instead. In November    clinic here in
          2019, with encouragement from       West Texas,
          Eddie Fitzgerald, this local group   as the nearest
          was founded by Jackie Shaw, along   specialty clinic
          with her daughter, Patricia England,   is more than
          with a mission to provide support   300 miles away.
          and encouragement.                  The support

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