Page 47 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
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in weekly services, but also in more weddings and
funerals than they could count. “Dad told us, ‘Never
turn down a chance to sing.’” He encouraged them to
play instruments. “If one of us wanted a trumpet, he'd
buy a trumpet. He didn't beat us over the head with
ministry. He made us love it. When we were little and
still in Houston, we would have to pick up the trash in
that 1200-seat auditorium. He gave us a purpose, and
he taught us to do it with passion. Historic Cactus Theater
“Dad and Mom were a good team. They were 1812 Buddy Holly •
inseparable because they shared the vision.” The two
had met at youth camp and married immediately after Look Who’s Comin’
Judy's graduation. (She left her graduation ceremony for the Holidays!
to go straight to her wedding rehearsal.) “We wanted
to have the [best] kind of marriage to model for our
children. The ministry was our life,” Judy said. And NOVEMBER
their children were their first priority. When it came 25...Sounds of West Texas:
to Dick’s ministry, she had this to say: “He was the Home For the Holidays
epitome of a shepherd. I often found him in the
basement praying at midnight.” 29...Cactus Classic Cinema:
“Meet Me in St. Louis” (1944)
Sadly, son Rick passed away in 2020, but the
McCreight legacy continues. Mike is the Chaplain at DECEMBER
the TDCJ John Montford Unit, and it is obvious he 1...Bryan Martin - Texas Country
has found a niche pastoring a community of some
of society’s least understood. Jeff took the reins of 2...American Aquarium 2023 Tour
the church soon after his dad died. It is now called 3...An Aaron Watson
Rock City, and Jeff is passionate about the vision his Family Christmas
dad had, not only for his congregation but also for
bringing pastors in the city together. Julie Arriaga 6...Cactus Classic Cinema:
works at Rock City and also as front of house manager “Holiday Inn” (1942)
at the Cactus Theater, and Rick’s wife, Jerri, is still
involved heavily in ministry at the church. The three 7-8...Michael Martin Murphey’s
siblings still sing together often, in church, at the Cowboy Christmas
Cactus, and many other venues. Judy stays involved 9...David Gaschen
in the church, works in concessions at the Cactus, and A Celebration of Christmas
enjoys a rich life with ten grandchildren and five great
grandchildren. 15...William Lee Martin (Comedy)
Revenge of the Nutcracker
A quarter century after his death, Lubbock is still 16...Cactus Family Christmas
experiencing the fruit of Dick’s extravagant legacy
of being “others focused,” and the unity in the 17-18...Caldwell Kids Christmas
community he embraced is a big part of that God-
ordained gift. 20...Cactus Classic Cinema:
“It’s A Wonderful Life” (1946)
21...3 Redneck Tenors - Comedy
22...Dallas String Quartet Christmas
Lubbock Senior Link 47