Page 46 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2023 - Online Magazine
P. 46
recognized the gravity
of the situation, loaded
the young man into
his pickup, and drove
to the drug dealer’s
home. The surprised
gang leader respected
Dick’s courage and
appreciated his
forthrightness. After a
pragmatic conversation,
Dick pulled out his
wallet and paid the $75
debt. The dealer was
satisfied, the young man
learned an important
lesson, and it was an Jeff, Judy, Julie, and Mike
experience none of
them ever forgot. Dick In 1998, 184 people were on
McCreight did not consider his the roll of Peace Tabernacle (by
calling merely a vocation. It was then New Life Family Center),
who he was. but 1100-1200 people showed
up for his funeral. Current and
In November 1998, all the kids former city and county officials
and grandkids were home for crowded in to LakeRidge
Thanksgiving weekend. After Methodist Church alongside his
performing a wedding that cold faithful church family, many of
Saturday evening, the pastor the city’s poor, and at least one
went to his shop and called a reformed drug dealer. Many
friend to meet him there. After referred to Dick McCreight
working together a short time, as “my pastor.” Then- Gov.
the friend discovered his pastor Pro-Tem John Montford called
unresponsive, administered Dick “my spiritual advisor.”
CPR (Pastor Mac had paid for Well-known leaders like the
his EMT training), and called an Reverends Michael Passmore,
ambulance. The whole family Doug Hale, D.L. Lowry, and
and many friends gathered Morris Sheats respected him.
at the hospital and spent the The unity in the “community” of Pastor Dick and Judy
next several hours singing and churches in this city is directly
praying. The “pastor to Lubbock” traceable to the man who was to promise that his kids would
took his last breath of West Texas called to pastor outside the walls always remain faithful.” That
air on Sunday at 12:06 AM and, of his own congregation. promise was kept as all four have
at 10 AM, nearly every one of carried on enthusiastically in
those family and friends was at Dick McCreight died 25 years their parents’ big footsteps. Dick
church. Nurses who came on ago, but his legacy lives on in his and Judy were always “others
shift that morning remarked children. “We are his legacy,” focused,” and they never failed to
about the palpable change in the they say. “When Dad was include their four children. Rick,
atmosphere on the hospital floor. called to pastor, he asked God Mike, Jeff, and Julie sang not only
46 Lubbock Senior Link