Page 19 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
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so now we train them in house. This
is the second year of our paramedic
program at UMC.” Chad is the lead
instructor of the 81/2-month intensive
training, but they have a 100% pass
rate. “I tell my students, ‘Love your
patient like it's your family, and you
won't have a problem with sincere
An interview with Chad won’t
include any information about
accolades, but his wife Susan listed
a few of his most valued honors.
Besides being a recipient of the UMC
Employee of the Month multiple
times and of UMC’s All-Star Award
(also multiple times), he has
his emotions in check. He loves “ received the Lubbock County
what he does, but, like most of As the wife of a first responder for 25+ Justice Award, the Mark Beck
his colleagues, he's missed a years, saying I’m proud of him is an Humanitarian Award, and was
lot of stuff with his family, and understatement. Chad has a huge servant’s named the South Plains EMS
he has seen a lot that he wishes heart and no way do I ever want to stand Educator of the Year and the
he could “unsee”. “I couldn’t in the way of that. Missing holidays, Red Cross Emergency Response
do this without my wife and anniversaries, birthdays, and the boys’ Champion.
family.” ball games is always hard, but we know EMS has a high burnout rate, but
Despite how grueling the that comes with the territory. I miss him Chad Curry is still on the cutting
schedule and how dire the when he’s gone, but he is going where he edge over 25 years into it. Like
emergencies, Chad still says, is needed most, and I know he’ll always he said, First Responders don’t
“The job is rewarding. I love come home to me. In his downtime, he loves do what they do for the praise; “I
giving people family reunions. being with his family—traveling, hunting, just want to take care of people.”
There was one guy who was and fishing. And, of course, we love his It doesn’t take limelight to spot a
in and out for 86 minutes.” legendary cooking. hero. In Chad’s case, just like all
But because the paramedics – Susan Curry of his compatriots, it takes caring
kept working, “he survived for people, courageously and
and was able to go to his 50th ” compassionately, day in and day
wedding anniversary.” Another the limelight. Nobody does it for the out. Thanks to all of them!
observation: “Delivering a baby is money or the acclaim.”
indescribable. Being the first human
being to touch a child is amazing!” One of Chad’s
And this: “I love being with people biggest
when they pass. One cardiac patient responsibilities
looked straight at me and said, ‘Do is recruiting and
you know Jesus?’ I nodded yes, and training new
then her heart stopped. Just being medics. “The
there in those sacred moments leaves turnover rate for FUEL & STORAGE
me in awe. I don't ever want anyone paramedics is
to have to die alone.” extremely high, so
we are constantly We support all of our First Responders
Chad says, “First Responders give onboarding new
so much of their talents, and they ones. It's hard to Bolton Fuel 6 Locations
expect nothing in return. In fact, find anyone to hire,
most of them are uncomfortable in Bolton Storage 7314 82nd
Lubbock Senior Link 19