Page 24 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 24


         Police Officers


         PEOPLE, TOO!

                                                                  by Roy Bassett

                                                   world will I ever spend all   Due to her incredible courage in a
                                                   that money!"                 horrible situation, we were able to
                                                                                identify and arrest the suspect. That
                                                   Nobody with any sense        was especially rewarding because
                                                   goes into this job for the   he turned out to be a serial rapist.
                                                   money, but I was raised with   That monster is still incarcerated 28
                                                   a strong sense of right and   years later.
                                                   wrong and standing up for
                                                   those who can't stand up     It was also an honor to serve on
                                                   for themselves.  I enjoyed   the committee to lobby for creating
                                                   being part of a team.  Plus, it   an Advocacy Center. At that
                                                   sounded exciting!  I thought   time, children who were victims
                                                   I would give it a try for a   of crimes were often forced to
                                                   few years until I figured out   tell their stories over and over to
                                                   what I wanted to do with my   detectives who were far more suited
                                                   life.  Turns out, this is what   for interviewing adult suspects. I
                                                   I wanted to do! February 2,   spoke to many civic groups and
                                                   2022, marked 35 years since I   local politicians to champion the
                                                   began my career.             project. Eventually, the Advocacy
                                                                                Center provided a place where
                                                   There have been some         children would be interviewed by
             t was 1987. I had just graduated      rewarding moments. In        specially trained individuals and
             from Texas Tech and had no      1994, I was working as a Detective
          Idirection and few prospects       in Juvenile Crimes. We got a call   receive trauma counseling.
          for a job.  I was looking at the   that a young lady had just told the   During the 10½ years I worked
          help wanted ads, hoping to find    school counselor that she had been   in Juvenile Crimes, I investigated
          something that would enable me     abducted on the way to school,     many infant deaths. Most of them
          at least to stop borrowing money   taken to an unknown residence,     were SIDS, accidents, or something
          from Mom and Dad.  I will never    and sexually assaulted.  My Sgt.   other than malicious intent. I also
          forget the LPD ad that jumped  off   and I went to interview her. She   served several years on the Child
          the page.  "Drive our company car   gave a very detailed description of   Fatality Review Team, which meets
          and make almost $19,000 a year!"    what happened. In fact, every detail   once a month to review death
          I thought to myself, "How in the   she gave turned out to be spot on!    reports on the death of every child

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