Page 23 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 23
state-of-the-art, emphasis on distance hiking helps to heal the
4-story burn reducing cancer wounds of war.
building, which by reducing
will ensure exposure to BRP is dedicated to taking veterans
firefighters fire-based on long-distance hikes. Randy said,
are ready to carcinogens, his “The end of April we are doing a
fight fires in commonsense four-day hike in Arizona with some
Lubbock's approach, such veterans from across the country. It’s
multi-storied as having new like forced therapy. We are still in the
homes, Randy and Keith gear to change beginning stages, but the people who
apartments, into as soon have been involved think it has really
and businesses as a firefighter helped.”
today and well into the future. comes out of a fire instead of waiting The Lammons Legacy is long and
until they get back to the fire station,
When I caught up with Randy, he is evidence of his ongoing impact in illustrious. It is worthy of Lubbock’s
had just returned from Ft. Worth, Lubbock’s firefighting community. hearty appreciation. Not only are
attending a cancer symposium they deserving of our respect for
on how to help prevent cancer in One project that he is most proud of their combined years of service,
the fire service. He said, “In the is a newly formed non-profit [BRP], but their story is an inspiration to
modern world, everything is plastic- started by Jon and Tiffany Hancock, everyone about the value of tradition,
and petroleum-based. Fires burn of which Randy serves on the board. of pursuing dreams, and of serving
differently and produce different Jon was Randy’s first team leader in others. May many more be inspired
chemicals that just stick to us.” the Marines and took over the squad to follow in their footsteps.
when Randy was wounded. In order
That is why Chief Lammons has for Jon to combat PTSD, he decided
developed and implemented to document his walk from Maryland For more information on BRP, you can go
LFR’s turnout gear program. With to California and found that long- to
Lubbock Senior Link 23