Page 14 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 14
By Brittnye Davis
native him to be professional résumé is certainly
of close to impressive, the man behind the
A est family. badge credits much of his success
Texas, Neal Later, he to his family, namely his supportive
Barron didn’t would wife, Andrea, who is a Lubbock
move far learn that native. It is a common reality that
from his the man the family members of police officers
hometown who would must learn how to be flexible, often
of Seminole become his celebrating birthdays or holidays
before father-in- around shift schedules, as well as
taking root law, Officer how to sacrifice, adapt, and support
in Lubbock. Now, twenty-six years Tommy Sager, had gone before him their loved ones as they persevere
later, he is serving the community as to build up the department and through the challenges of the job.
Assistant Chief of the Lubbock Police protect the city where he would raise Barron’s family has not only cheered
Department. his own family. him on through each stage of his
career, but they have also rallied
His decision to pursue a career in During his tenure, Barron has served together to ensure his success as a
law enforcement began shortly through each rank of the police leader in the department.
before he enrolled in college. Being department, from Officer, to Field
drawn to the profession by a desire Supervisor, to Shift Commander. Knowing there is never a dull
to tackle challenging issues facing He’s also served as the department’s moment, Barron shared that one
society, along with an internal drive Recruiter, Physical Fitness and of the things he most enjoys about
to help and protect, he began his Academy Instructor, and Academy police work is the excitement and
training at South Plains College, Commander. While working in the anticipation of what each day holds
earning his Associate of Arts in Police Administration Division, in store. Often, citizens tend to
Criminal Justice before transferring he served as the Internal Affairs associate the presence of police as a
to West Texas A&M University and Commander, and he also spent negative event. However, the goal
receiving his Bachelor of Arts in fifteen years of his career as a of the officer is to ensure justice is
Criminal Justice. member of the being served. Many
SWAT Team. times, that comes
When asked why he chose Lubbock, In 2012, he through the form
he shared that the community graduated from of assistance and
always felt like home. Having spent the FBI National connecting others
much of his childhood visiting his Academy. with community
grandparents who lived in Lubbock, services to help meet
he saw the community not only had While Assistant their specific needs.
much to offer but would also allow Chief Barron’s
14 Lubbock Senior Link