Page 16 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Summer 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 16
The 555 Initiative
by Mark Hill as told to Jane Bromley
move over if you see things we’d like the public to know:
flashing lights; use your 1. Cell phone use = distracted driving
blinkers; turn off your = dangerous driving. Always use your
n January 11, 2020, cell phone. phone’s Driving mode. Even better,
LFR Lieutenant Eric if you have an iPhone, you can set up
OHill suffered fatal The reason we included Driving Focus and opt to silence all
injuries in the line of duty the love part is because phone activity while you are driving.
on I-27. He was helping we never got to say
to clear the roadway and goodbye to our son. It 2. HAAS Alert has partnered with
assist stranded motorists caused us a great deal Waze, a free, real-time crowd-sourced
after an ice storm when he of grief that we couldn’t traffic and navigation app. HAAS
was struck by an oncoming hug him again. Because enables Waze users to automatically
vehicle. Two other heroes, LPD Officer accidents happen without warning, receive incident locations and
Nicholas Reyna and Lubbock Fire frequent contact with your loved ones warnings when emergency services
Fighter Matt Dawson were also hit. can help ease the pain in the terrible (Firefighters, Police, EMS) are on the
Reyna died at the scene, and Dawson event of a loss. scene.
was severely injured. Lt. Eric Hill was a father, a firefighter/ We hope the 555 Initiative will increase
In memory of these brave heroes, we paramedic, and a cowboy with a love safety awareness in the community
[Eric’s parents] have started the 555 for serving others. We want to keep that Eric served and beyond. The fewer
Initiative. Throughout the history of that love alive by protecting those accidents, the less exposure our first
fire service, a series of five bells, rung who protect us and by continuing responders will have to dangerous
three times, has traditionally signaled Eric's legacy of situations. Go to
to the fire brotherhood that one of their saving lives. The to learn more about how you
own has died in the line of duty. 555 message is can help protect the ones who
available on shirts, risk their lives protecting us.
The 555 Initiative aspires to educate caps, and stickers.
the public about strategies that can We want the
prevent tragedies like the one on insignia to trigger Contact us at:
01/11/20. The five bells rung three reminders of
times inspired us to create the motto: thoughtful and safe
Plan. Act. Love. behavior. We do
• Plan to do five things today that will public service
promote safety for yourself and others. announcements
that run every
• Act on those plans by implementing school day
five safe practices, especially when you between 6:00
are driving. and 9:00 a.m.,
• Love. Contact/hug five people you and 555 also
love today. We never know when it provides
will be our last opportunity. scholarships
Some things you can plan to do: Check to individuals
the weather; be aware of construction whose passion
sites on your route; leave early. is to serve as a
first responder.
Some actions you can take: Slow down;
Two more
16 Lubbock Senior Link