Page 86 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 86

Jim Sexton                     Lubbock Entrepreneur

                                                               and "Mr. Crime Line"

                                                               by Jane Bromley

                                                          a lawbreaker.          Jim and his wife Sue Hunt
                                                          The nonprofit          Sexton have lived in Lubbock all
                                                          organization was       their lives.  Jim attended Hunt
                                                          born when (former)     Elementary school, and later
                                                          Mayor Dirk West        Lubbock High School. He played
                                                          contacted his friend   basketball and baseball where
                                                          Jim Sexton about       he earned all-district honors in
                                                          the possibility of     basketball and went on to win a
                                                          setting up a process   scholarship to Texas Tech, where
                                                          for citizens to call in   he played from 1950-54. He was
                                                          tips and be rewarded   a member of the 1954 team which
                                                          when those tips paid   was the first ever to represent
                                                          off.                   Tech in the NCAA playoffs. At
                                                                                 that time, only 16 teams were in
                                                          It was an innovative   the whole tournament instead of
                                                          concept when           the 68 today.
                                                          the 501c3 was set
                                                          up in 1978, and        After high school, Jim worked
                                                          board member Jim       as a lifeguard at the country
                                                          Sexton was tasked      club where he met a “cute little
                                                          with other board       blonde” named Sue Hunt. Sue
                                                          members to raise       was the daughter of prominent
                                                          money to fund it.      Lubbock doctor, Ewell Hunt,
                 or over 40 years, Lubbock                For several years, it   who was the first Texas Tech
                 residents have helped the     was a struggle to raise the money   graduate to receive a medical
            FLubbock police department         to pay for the rewards, but then   degree. He was honored as a
            (LPD) by calling 741-1000 – the    community-minded business         distinguished alumnus. Her
            number of Lubbock’s Crime          owners stepped forward, along     great-grandfather, George M.
            Line. Thousands of anonymous       with others, to make it possible.   Hunt, settled in the area in the
            tips have been called in, and      Two years ago, Crime Line paid    1860s and helped establish
            over a million dollars have been   out $20,000                                      Lubbock. Dr.
            awarded when those tips paid       in just two                                      Hunt moved
            off for the LPD in apprehending    months to                                        the family to
                                               solve four                                       Philadelphia
                                               murders.                                         for one year
                                               Police have                                      of advanced
                                               been able                                        surgery. Texas
                                               to solve                                         Tech had a
                                               countless                                        basketball
                                               crimes they                                      game in Philly,
                                               might never                                      and Dr. Hunt
                                               have done                                        took his son
                                               without a                                        and daughter
                                               citizen's help.                                  Sue to watch
                                               Jim Sexton                                       them play. This
                                               is a huge                                        continued the
                                               reason for     Bo Sexton with sons Bobby (L)     spark between
             Texas Tech Roundballer Jim Sexton  that success.   and Jimmy in 1936               the two that

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