Page 81 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 81

                                                                                                  Korean War

           As a trained infantryman, Homer learned how                                      of six. The couple
           to fire and care for several different weapons. He                               celebrated 63
           learned how to live in the field under any and all                               years together and
           conditions and, most importantly, learned the value                              currently reside
           of teamwork. He always seemed to know what was                                   in an independent
           important in life.                                                               apartment at
                                                                                            Heartland House.
           On July 27, 1953, Homer, and the rest of Company L,                              Homer has been
           found themselves on a ship headed to Korea. They                                 described as a good
           were all quite curious when the ship turned around                               listener with an
           and headed back to Okinawa. Once they returned,                                  equally good sense
           they learned that the war was officially over.  Homer                            of humor. This sweet
           completed his time in the army and, in August 1954,                              couple will always
           made his way to Artesia, New Mexico, to be reunited                              greet family and
           with his parents. Being a hard worker, Homer was                                 friends with a warm
           willing to take on any work. One of his first jobs was   welcome and kind words. One of the staff members at
           working with farmers to bring in their crops.       Heartland House remarked, “They share the kind of
                                                               love that everyone should know in their lifetime.”
           On his first Sunday back, Homer attended church
           services with his parents. Little did he know, he was
           attracting some serious attention from a cute girl
           several rows behind him. When her grandfather
           found out she was interested, he did a little
           matchmaking and, once Homer met Wilma King,
           there was no one else for him. They did have to wait
           until she graduated from high school before marrying
           on June 6, 1958.
           Homer's mechanical knowledge ultimately led him to
           a career in auto parts sales. Guy Chevrolet in Artesia
           sought him out to be the manager of their parts
                                            where he
                                            stayed for 28
                                            years before

                                            Homer and
                                            Wilma have
                                            two children,
                                            Karl Mahan of
                                            Lubbock and
                                            Donna Giboney
                                            of Phoenix,
                                            They are also
                                            the proud
                                            grandparents of
                                            four and great-

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