Page 90 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 90

Dr. Patrick Pappas
                                                               Searching for Meaning

                                                               by Gloria Paraskeva and Mary Pappas

                                                                                 job, so he did not get to practice
                                                                                 medicine very much. He flew
                                                                                 on a few memorable missions;
                                                                                 one was to rescue survivors of a
                                                                                 C-47 that had crashed near Mt.
                                                                                 McKinley. Another mission was
                                                                                 to treat residents of a fishing
                                                                                 village off the Alaska Peninsula
                                                                                 during a measles outbreak.
                                                                                 Having attained the rank of
                                                                                 Captain, Pat left Alaska and the
                                                                                 Air Force.
                                                                                 Pat  went back to UT Medical
                                                                                 Branch, Galveston and finished
                                                                                 his residency in internal
                                                                                 medicine. With his residency
                  orn and raised in            Influence People by Dale Carnegie.    complete, he joined a clinic in
                  Dallas, Texas during         While in high school, he would    Jacksonville, Texas. A year later,
            Bthe Depression, Patrick           sometimes skip school to focus    in 1959, Pat joined Dr. Mattison
            Pappas, the youngest son of        on reading philosophy, poetry,    and Dr. Ryburn in Lubbock. He
            a candy maker, describes his       and history.                      witnessed and participated in
            childhood as happy. His father                                       many medical advancements
            was an immigrant from Greece       Pat enrolled in North Texas       in Lubbock in all his years of
            who owned a candy store.           Agricultural College in           practice. He retired from his
                                               Arlington, a branch of A&M, now   career in medicine in 2005.
            Pat’s avid interest in history and   University of Texas Arlington,
            a desire to know more about        in Sept. 1946, and finished his   In 1961, Pat’s father was driving
            the origin and development of      pre-med requirements in 1948 at   from Dallas to Lubbock to ask
            the world and the people in it     SMU. He attended the University   Pat to go with him back to
            has its beginnings in elementary   of Texas Medical Branch at        Greece. His father was involved
            school, after reading The Story of   Galveston, where he graduated   in an auto accident, leaving
            Mankind by Hendrik Wilem van       in 1952.  During his third year   him paralyzed and unable to
            Loon.  During junior high, Pat     in medical school, Pat joined     travel.  Pat regrets that he was
            was introduced to the beauty of    the medical ROTC. In 1953, he     unable to take his father on this
            poetry and the wisdom in essays.    joined the Air Force Reserve. He   trip. Around 1970, after talking
            He often had to memorize lines     did his basic training at Maxwell   with his mother, Pat became
            of poetry for school assignments;   Air Force Base in Montgomery,    interested in genealogy. In
            he actually enjoyed and excelled   Alabama in the summer of          1975, he married Christine, and
            at this. Also during this time,    1953. Five weeks later, he went   together they traveled to Greece
            he developed an interest in        to Randolph Air Force Base in     to learn more about his father’s
            writing, after reading the works   San Antonio for flight surgery    side of the family. While visiting
            of Ralph Waldo Emerson. He was     training. In October 1953, he was   his father’s village and childhood
            inspired to write a play about a   stationed at Elmendorf Air Force   residence, he established contact
            boy having a birthday party after   Base in Anchorage, Alaska. While   with his cousins. Pat spent time
            reading How to Win Friends and     there, he was assigned a staff    researching his genealogy and

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