Page 82 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 82




                                                      by Kristi Townsen

                   e've all learned                at age 77, Minoru Saito,
                   that the old                   from Japan, sailed solo
          Wsaying, "With                         around the world. Astronaut
          age comes wisdom,"                     John Glenn became the
          has profound truth to                   oldest astronaut to join
          it. There is a deep well                  Space Shuttle Mission             "Your time is the nicest thing
          of knowledge that comes                    STS-95 at age 77.                you can give someone."
          through life experiences. These            And my personal
          experiences are not always good,         favorite is Fauja Singh, who       "You don't have to know
          but are often comprised of failures,   ran in the Mumbai Marathon at age    the ending, just live the
          accomplishments, work ethic, and     104. This lends credence to the saying,   beginning and the middle
          interaction with others. There is even   "Age is just a number." We may not   with gusto."
          a biblical reference to the saying   all become famous, but often, age
          in Job 12:12, "Is not wisdom found   contributes to the best version of     "Don't go to bed mad at
          among the aged? Does not long life   ourselves.                             anyone."
          bring understanding?"
                                               Many of you will remember Dick         "Don't worry so much; it will
          With aging, we often learn how to    Van Dyke, the famous actor who is      only give you wrinkles."
          accept ourselves and others. We can   now 95. He once said, "We all need
          be more comfortable and satisfied in   something to do, someone to love,    "You're never too old to learn
          our own skin and less obsessed with   and something to hope for." These     something new."
          physical appearance. This makes the   are wise words from someone who
          aged not only wiser but, in many     has lived a long life. Maya Angelou,   "You can't control everything
          ways, more beautiful. Seniors can    another wise senior, concluded, "I've   that happens to you – only
          often appreciate more of what's on   learned that people will forget what   how you react to it.''
          the inside of a person than what     you said, people will forget what you
          they see on the outside. It's easier to   did, but people will never forget how   "A bad day fishing is better
          put things in perspective when you   you made them feel."                   than a good day working."
          have taken the time to think things
          through. Seniors are more likely to   My memory is filled with other wise   "Life is short; eat dessert
          do that because they generally have   words expressed by many I have        first."
          more time for mindfulness.           known and loved over the past 25
                                               years while operating an assisted      If we listen, we might all learn a
          Some seniors have been able to       living facility. Some are humorous,    thing or two from their years of
          accomplish great things. The current   some are poignant, but all came      experience.
          President of the United States is 78   from many years of living. Some are
          years old, and our former President   original; some are clichés; but all are
          was 74 when he left office.  In 2011,   worthy of our consideration.

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