Page 85 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 85

coasT GUarD

           it is advisable to                                  have a staff at Grand Hearing Center who have been
           have a hearing                                      serving the South Plains area for 45 years. We are
           screening before                                    willing to work with you to achieve the best possible
           and after to note                                   solution. Gayle (Wampler) Willson, BC-HIS, Board
           any changes.                                        Certified in the Hearing Instrument Sciences, Blair
           Smoking may                                         Willson and Polly Wampler, are all licensed. We are
           also be damaging                                    proud of the “Wampler Legacy” and want to say ...
           to the hearing                                      Thank you, Commander Hugh McCreery, for your
           nerves.                                             service, and for trusting us with your hearing health
                                                               needs. I encourage you to go to You Tube, Semper
           You can take                                        Paratus US Coast Guard Marching Song June 12, 2020,
           precautions                                         for a very inspirational photo gallery of the Coast
           NOW to protect                                      Guard in action.
           your hearing
           and salvage the
           hearing you have
           today.  Be aware
           of the noises you
           are exposed to. The most important thing to realize
           is that hearing loss is PREVENTABLE. Always be
           aware of the level of noise in your surroundings.
           Wearing protectors, like muffs or earplugs, are one
           method of protection. Custom-made earplugs are
           the best, for they can seal out loud noises. Move
           away from the source of the noise and LOWER the

                                         Hearing devices
                                         alone are not the
                                         complete answer.
                                         It takes time with
                                         your hearing
                                         health professional
                                         to get hearing
                                         aids adjusted
                                         and functioning
                                         optimally for your

                                         We say THANK
                                         YOU to our VETS
                                         by offering FREE
                                         cleaning and
                                         service to your VA
                                         Hearing Aids. We

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