Page 59 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 59

Alvin Hollingsworth                            An Outstanding                   arMY

                                                                 Soldier                          Korean War

                                                                 by Larry Williams

                                                              Hollingsworth        I can’t swim. I think the Lord was
                                                              was inducted in      looking out for me.”
                                                              Amarillo and
                                                              sent to Ft. Sill,    Al moved inland and was soon
                                                              Oklahoma where       attached to the 27th Infantry
                                                              he received Field    (Wolfhounds), 25th Division.
                                                              Artillery Training.    Recalling his difficult first
                                                              At Ft. Hood, he      assignment, Al said, “We were
                                                              was assigned to      advancing north when the
                                                              the elite force      commander said, ‘We have some
                                                              known as the         snipers in a cave that I want you
                                                              Army Rangers.        to eliminate.’ He picked up a
                                                              Their job during     flame-thrower and asked, ‘Do
                                                              the Korean War       you know how to use this?’ I
                                                              was to probe,        filled up the tank and strapped
                                                              scout, attack,       it on ... I snuck up around one
                                                              and destroy          side so the enemy could not fire
                                                              North Koreans        on me. I stuck the nozzle in the
                                                              and Communist        opening and pulled the trigger
                                                              Chinese. The         until the flame-thrower was
                                                              Rangers had a        empty. They ran out of the cave
                                                              reputation as        on fire and finally slumped to
                                                              the best-trained     the ground dead.” Recalling the
                                                              troops in the        horrible scene, Al said, “I went
                                                              world. He was        back to the commander and told
                                                              taught to handle     him to never ask me to do that
                   ighty-nine-year-old                        any weapon, but      again, and I didn’t!”
                   Korean War veteran Alvin     “I had too many broken bones, so   “My second time in combat was
              EHollingsworth wants to be        I didn’t go to Airborne training.   when Company G had been
              remembered as “a good soldier.”   I was assigned to special forces,   overrun. The North Koreans
              Al was much more than a “good     supporting Army infantry units.”   had killed the commander. They
              soldier”; he was a highly trained                                    sent me and three other guys
              Army Ranger who did his job       After training, Al received orders   out to find the enemy patrol
              extremely well.                   to Korea. After a short leave, he
                                                flew out to Camp Stoneman,         and eliminate the threat. I had a
              Alvin Pierson Hollingsworth’s     California. “We were loaded        carbine with an infrared scope.
              story began on March 19, 1932.    onto the U.S.S. E. T. Collins (AP-  We found a ravine through the
              He was the 9th of the ten boys    147). It took us 18 days, due to a   mountains and figured that’s
              and two girls born to Pierson     storm at sea, before we landed in   where the North Koreans were
              and Annie in Denton, Texas. His   Yokohama, Japan. We waited on      coming through. I set the guys
              father was a farmer who moved     the water somewhere northwest      up in the middle of the ravine. I
              the family to numerous towns in   of Seoul when some PT boats        knew they would come in after
              West Texas, eventually landing in   came out to take us to the beach.   dark. Sure enough, I saw the
              Denver City where Al completed    I prayed all the way to the beach!   enemy, using my scope, coming
              his schooling. After graduation in   When we got close to the shore,   down the ravine right at us. I told
              1950, Al joined the Army.         they said ‘Jump!’ I was in water   the guys that I would take the
                                                up to my neck. It’s a good thing;   first shot and then they would

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