Page 58 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 58



          As We Help Veterans Transition


         actIve duty

          by: Jodey Arrington, U.S. Representative (TX-19th District)

                   hen our veterans answer   Bill’s story highlights
                   the call to serve our nation,   a serious challenge
         Wthey selflessly run toward         for our veteran
         conflict to protect the freedoms we   community. While
         hold dear. Sadly, when these heroes   our government
         return home from war, it doesn’t    spends billions of
         always mean that the conflict is over   dollars preparing
         for them. There is often a battle that   citizens to be
         continues to rage on – one that no   warriors on the
         one can see.                        battlefield, it invests
                                             only a fraction of that
         My good friend and fellow Plainview   helping those same
         Bulldog, Bill Mulder, was one       soldiers transition back to civilian   make improvements to the Transition
         of those who struggled with the     life.                                Assistance Program (TAP) and the
         invisible wounds that often plague                                       overall transition process for service
         our soldiers when they return.      In Congress, I made it a priority    members.
                                             to help equip our servicemen and
         Bill was tough, strong, and         women on the front end of their      These programs can help our heroes
         courageous. If he were to stand     transition in order to reduce the    with the challenges of transitioning
         between you and me and the enemy,   number of veterans who struggle      to civilian life and help them create
         we’d be safe, and the enemy would   with unemployment, homelessness,     a new sense of purpose while
         be scared – for good reason. But, after   and suicide – because an ounce of   equipping them with the tools to be
         20 years as a combat Navy SEAL,     prevention is better than a pound of   successful in the marketplace.
         Bill bore the invisible scars of battle   intervention.
         and struggled to make that transition                                    Our veterans represent the very best
         from active duty to civilian life.  One of the things I’m most proud     of America, and their service and
                                             of in my time in Congress is that I   sacrifice is an inspiration to all of us.
         Like many veterans, Bill’s greatest   was able to help carry Bill’s legacy
         fight wasn’t on the battlefield; it was   forward by authoring the NAVY   We owe it to our veterans, like my
         the struggle that often ensues from   Seal Chief Petty Officer William   friend Bill, to make this transition
         the mental, emotional, and physical   “Bill” Mulder (Ret.) Transition    from active duty to civilian life
         wear and tear of military service.   Improvement Act.                    seamless and successful so they can
         Tragically, we lost Bill just a few                                      maximize their greatest God-given
         months after he retired from serving   Last December, President Trump    potential as civilians and continue to
         our nation with distinction.        signed this legislation into law to   lead more fulfilling lives.

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