Page 33 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 33


            was conditioned to believe that disappointment would   damage of growing up without the love of a father
            lead to abandonment, but they remained faithful.    can last a lifetime. The world needs fathers for the
                                                                fatherless.  Ron Herrin did that for me. He  stepped up
            He’s empathetic:  Ron listens with skill and lets   to the plate to fill a void in my life. Many of you will
            you know he cares.                                  understand what I am talking about. So, let’s celebrate

            He’s unselfish:  As much as I needed a father in    ALL the real fathers, the ones who care and nurture
            my life, Ron and Gay                                                       and love and mentor,
            are a pair.  Often, I                                                      whether they share DNA
            have needed just Gay,                                                      with us or not.
            and Ron willingly                                                          Many children, youth and even
            understands, steps                                                         young adults in our area would
            aside and unselfishly                                                      benefit by having a caring
            shares Gay with me.                                                        father figure in their lives.

            He’s present: At                                                           Your presence could make the
            the birth of each of our                                                   difference for one of them. If
            children, he was either                                                    you are stirred to offer yourself
            in the hospital waiting                                                    in that role, please seek out a
            room or hanging out                                                        ministry or other organization
            with the older ones or                                                     where your service would be
            bringing them to see                                                       welcomed.
            me.  He has been at
            all the major events in
            my life and most of the smaller ones. He
            is there for my husband, too, and, like a
            grandfather, Ron has been just as present      THE HOUSE OF FURNITURE
            for my girls.
                                                             BEST MATTRESS DEALS IN WEST TEXAS!
            I am not the only one whom Ron
            “fathers”. Besides countless others who
            rely on them, he and Gay are blessed
            with three children and six grandchildren
            of their own. Their family has always
            been gracious to share their parents with
            so many others. I am so thankful that
            our paths crossed in 2001  and that this
            amazing couple have been faithful friends
            and true “parents” for all the years since.                                                SAVE  300
            They literally watched over me as I grew
            into a healthier, happier, more productive
            person; I have hundreds more stories            Firm Stimulus   Pillowtop Stimulus  EuroTop
                                                                                       Posture Pleasant
            about how they have blessed me and my          $399          $449          $499            HOT BUY
            family.                                                                                     $699
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            Everyone has a biological father, but not    twin.....................$279   twin.....................$329  twin.....................$379   ADJUSTABLE BASE
                                                                       full ......................$399  full ......................$429
                                                         full ......................$319
            everyone has a “real” father. I recently     king.....................$599   king.....................$699  king.....................$699   With Wireless Remote
                                                                                                         Reg. $999
            read that 34% of the children in America
            are “fatherless” – meaning their biological                    4602 Avenue Q, Lubbock •
            fathers have abandoned them. The                            WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD!

                                                                                           Only      $ $ 2199!!   33
                                                                                             Lubbock Senior Link
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