Page 34 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 34
All the Way Through
Patty Jones
by Jane Bromley
f you have read the mission of 2000. Texas Tech
Senior Link magazine, you know University named
Ihow much we value stories that her Outstanding volleyball. To this day, she doesn’t
have the power to impact the lives Teacher/Coach in LISD in 2000. She know why she chose volleyball. She
of young people. When the story is also was recognized by Sen. Robert had never even played. She believes
about a person whose life’s work Duncan and Mayor David Langston
directly influenced teenagers over for her accomplishments. She was it was one of those times in her life
when “God intervened”. And the
the course of decades, it’s already inducted into the LISD Hall of rest is history.
ahead of the game. That’s why Honor in 2013.
teachers and coaches are some of She describes that first season
our favorite subjects. Patty was born in Oklahoma City, as “memorable”. In their first
but her parents and three brothers
Former Coronado High School landed in Lubbock in 1959, after tournament, they got “killed”.
The rookie coach began to read
volleyball coach Patty Jones is living in Oklahoma, California, and study everything she could
a prime example. Legendary New Mexico, and Colorado. Her
coach Ron Mayberry called her dad was in the grocery business find about the game. She attended
clinics everywhere. She went to
a “pioneer” in his recent book and worked for the Furr’s grocery the coaches at Texas Tech for help.
about West Texas coaches, Less store chain for many years. She Two Tech players, one of whom
We Forget – High School Coaching: attended Overton and Bozeman
Legends from the Texas Panhandle/ Elementary and Alderson Junior was All American Lisa Love, helped
her develop her program. She had
Plains Region. “Patty was the first High, graduating from Lubbock “an incredible group of girls” that
female UIL coach hired by Lubbock High School in 1967. She majored first year, and they went on to win
Independent School District and in PE and Government at Texas
coached the first UIL volleyball Tech. Soon after graduation, Joyce district. At that time, Hereford
was a powerhouse. They had won
team at CHS. She was a legend in Arterburn let her know about district every year for the past ten,
more ways than one because she an opening at CHS. There were but the fledgling Mustang team
was an outstanding teacher for 50 applicants, but LISD Athletic
29 years and coached 26 years at Director and former LHS basketball pulled off the upset.
Coronado.” coach, Max O’Banion, remembered Another time, they were up against
her from high school. She got the crosstown rival Monterey. “We
Coach Mayberry records some of job. had each won a game, but we were
the highlights: 470 wins; six straight
district championships, four of In Fall 1972, Coronado did not down 13-2 in the third game. I
called a timeout, and I gave them
those undefeated in district play; have a girls’ sports program, so a little pep talk. They went back
14 state playoff appearances; and she taught PE. Two years later, out, huddled up for a minute, then
52 players advancing to collegiate O’Banion asked her if she would
play. She was named “Coach of like to coach. He gave her the went on to win that game 15-13! I
was so proud of them, but I wanted
the Year” in 1984, 1987, 1992, and choice of basketball, track, or
to know what I had said that had
� Less We Forget - High School Coaching: Legends from the Texas Panhandle/Plains Region (Paperback) Ron Mayberry, 2019
34 Lubbock Senior Link