Page 28 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 28

when other members discussed
                                                                                the colder temperatures of the
                                                                                original operating room, the hairs
                                                                                on the back of his neck stood up. He
                                                                                instantly connected a memory of
                                                                                taking his visiting cousin, Guy Sam
                                                                                Kemp, a lieutenant colonel Navy
                                                                                Seal, to see the Post Museum book
                                                                                of Veterans. When they arrived
                                                                                unannounced at the Museum, Guy
                                                                                Sam found the huge book open to

            Old Post Sanitarium                                                 his own father’s page, a sailor in
                                                                                WWII and co-captain of the 1936
           gas station attendant asked her to   naturally neighbor one another.   Post football team. Nobody in Post
           pull up, to which she responded,   They celebrated the fact at the   could possibly explain that, but it
           “I can go forward, and I can go    Post Centennial in 2007 when they   makes for a great Johnny story!
           backward, but I can’t go up!”      joined to form
                                              the largest
           In 1957, the only child of C.W. Post   breakfast table,
           and wealthiest woman in the world   serving free
           at that time, “Marjorie Merriweather   Post cereals,
           Post attended the 50th anniversary   Borden milk,
           of Post and publicly unveiled a new   and bananas
           statue of her father during the worst   for all.
           sandstorm in history,” recalls Nancy
           Kemp. Marjorie built the famous    Johnny now
           mansion Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach,   proudly
           Florida from 1924-1927, donating   serves on the
           the property to the National Park   board for the
           Service upon her death in 1973,    Garza County
           hoping it could be used for state   Historical
           visits or as a Winter White House.   Museum,
           Donald Trump bought it for $10     and he had
           million in 1985 as his private home,   never taken
           because it was too expensive for the   the curious
           State of Florida to maintain.      rumors of the
                                              old sanitarium
           Even today, the citizens of        turned
           Post and visitors enjoy creative   museum too
           commemorative events. Nancy finds   seriously. But
           it ironic that the cereal-born town   at a recent
           of Post and the milk-producing     board meeting,
           community of Borden County

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