Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 38

Slaughter Ranch’s “Zavala Camp” and stock tank with
            Cottonwood trees that are probably over 100 years old.

           are also the last two counties    drought, the extreme weather,     as a working ranch but is on
           organized in the lower 48 states   and the remoteness.  Those who   land that has some of the richest
           of the United States. Hockley and   stayed through hard times were   reserves of oil and gas in Texas.
           Cochran counties are known as     rewarded by bounty in many        David DeVitt helped establish
           the “Last Frontier” in Texas.     forms: a land with beauty all its   the ranch in 1885, and his
                                             own and the people who made       descendants have used proceeds
           Hockley County was named for      it a special place to live.  Native   earned from this land to fund
           George Washington Hockley.        grassland here attracted bison    the CH Foundation, Helen
           Hockley had served as Sam         and other animals.  The nutritious   Jones Foundation, and the Plum
           Houston’s aide and chief artillery   grasses and the rich soils made the   Foundation.  These entities have
           officer at the battle of San Jacinto.   land ideal for cattle ranching.    benefitted the entire South Plains
           Hockley later served as Houston’s                                   area by providing grants and
           Secretary of War and, in 1843,    Hockley County has a unique       scholarships, touching countless
           went to Mexico on Houston’s       history.  The southern boundary   lives in the arts, education, and
           behalf to arrange an armistice.    of the 3,000,000-acre XIT Ranch   medical fields.
           George W. Hockley died in         is here.  This land was given
           Corpus Christi on June 6, 1854    to the owners in exchange for     Since the first oil well was
           and is buried in the Old Bayview   constructing the state Capitol   completed on April 6, 1937, south
           Cemetery.                         building in Austin in 1885.  The   of Sundown, Hockley County has
                                             Yellowhouse Ranch still operates   continued to be one of the top
           Settlers first came to this area   on land that was part of the XIT.  producers of oil and gas in Texas.
           attracted by cheap land.  They                                      Production has far exceeded a
           were willing to work hard         The Mallet Ranch in southern      billion barrels of oil.
           despite the difficulties of       Hockley County has continued

             Photo of the Hockley County Square with windmill and patch of black-eyed peas anyone could pick.  This photo was taken on August 6, 1925 and shows
             a celebration of the coming of the railroad to Levelland.  The image was taken by Daniel Studios of Lubbock and is in the author’s collection.

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