Page 31 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 31

                                                                                            EXCEPTIONAL SENIORS

        Mr. London was very smart. He adapted                                      kindergartner who held up her
        several devices that made it possible for his                              little arms with no hands. The
        daughter to have as normal a life as possible.                             two immediately bonded for life.
        For instance, car dimmer switches used                                     “I was meant to be there that day.
        to be operated with a little button on the                                 I basically adopted Kaylah. She is
        floorboard. Mary Alice’s dad moved it up                                   graduating this year.”
        to the steering column for her. “I wish he’d
        patented that,” Rita quips. Their mother made                              After retiring, the sisters thought
        life fun, and Mary Alice’s face cracks into a                              about relocating. They were
        smile when Rita says, “Mom had a great sense                               already driving back and forth
        of humor.” The parents never let on that they                              to Lubbock pretty often and
        thought of their firstborn as anything but                                 had developed a love for the
        normal.                                                                    city. “It has REAL restaurants,”
                                                      An example of the dozens of beautiful   they would always say. They
        Her teachers treated her with the same        afghans crocheted by Mary Alice   love how easy it is to navigate,
        attitude, and, by the time Mary Alice                                      and, besides, many of their
        graduated from high school, she could write, type, create   Carlsbad friends had already moved to the Hub City.
        art, and much more. The high school counselor, Mr.     “We like to travel, and the airport is here. We love the
        Stroud, took a personal interest in Mary Alice and drove   excellent medical facilities and the shopping.” They have
        all the way to Loving to tell her parents she would be   built homes next door to each other and have already
        attending Eastern New Mexico University. Her parents   organized a group called “The Carlsbad Transplants”.
        were in agreement, and Mary Alice excelled in her
        studies. “I wanted to major in Art, but everyone said I   The Loving Londons have brought their enthusiasm,
        would need something more practical to make a living,   talents and love to Lubbock, and we are lucky to have
        so I majored in Accounting.”  That choice paid off for   them.
        her. She was the business manager for the Loving school
        district for 12 years and later the business manager for
        the Carlsbad schools for 25 years. In addition, she earned
        her master’s plus 45 additional hours.

        Mary Alice is an accomplished artist in multiple media.
        Many of her drawings grace their two homes. Several
        years ago, she mentioned to a coworker that she wanted
                                 to learn to crochet. The
                                 teacher said, “Oh, you
                                 can’t do that!” “That’s the
                                 wrong thing to say to me,”
                                 Mary Alice asserts. She did
                                 learn to crochet and is quite
                                 prolific and creative in the
                                 craft. About her artistic
                                 sister, Rita says, “She is
                                 left-brained AND right-
                                 brained. Mary Alice is the
          A beautiful lifelike doll   most ‘handicapable’ person
          handcrafted by Mary Alice
                                 I know!”
        One cold day, Mary Alice’s dad asked her to drive him
        to Walmart. It was inconvenient, but she complied.
        While they were there, a young mother tapped her on
        the shoulder and asked if she would mind meeting her
        little girl. Mary Alice looked down to see a beautiful

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