Page 32 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 32



         A "Real" Father

           Ron Herrin                                by Erin Agee

               o all of you dads out there   something very important:
               – Happy Father’s Day! –       being a real father means so
         Tthe official day set aside in      much more than contributing
         America to honor our male parents.   genetic material. As I
         However, although each of us        mourned the loss of my
         has a biological father, the sad    biological father and mulled
         truth is that some of us might not   over the virtues he lacked,
         want to celebrate the one we got.    I realized God had already
         This story is about someone who     blessed me with a good dad.         He’s a protector:  Once, when
         came into my life much later and    I recorded some of my thoughts      I was having a garage sale, I was
         demonstrated to me what a real      about what a good father looks like:  alone with a guy who made me
         father should look like.
                                             He’s a covering:  On my             feel uneasy.  The next thing I knew
         Recently, my biological father died.   wedding day, I needed someone    – Ron was pulling up. He said he
         I hadn’t seen him in over 30 years,   to give me away. The traditional   felt led by God to just come hang
         and the years I did have with him   walk down the aisle ends in rich    out with me for a while.  I value his
         were not happy ones. I did grieve,   symbolism as the father hands his   discernment and his obedience.
         however. I grieved over the loss of   daughter over to her husband. Ron   He blesses:  Anyone who
         the loving father I never got to have,   Herrin had already been a spiritual   knows Ron Herrin knows that you
         and I grieved over the realization   mentor to me. He was the obvious   never leave an event, meeting, or
         that I would never hear “I’m sorry”   choice to step into that role for me.    any other gathering without him
         for the pain he caused.             Ron and Gay have been married for   speaking a blessing over you – for
                                             over 54 years, so they were also role
         But that is only the back story.    models for what a Godly marriage    health, wisdom, prosperity, grace,
         When I first got the text announcing   was to look like.                joy, you name it.  The blessing is a
         his death – the first people I told                                     valuable gift, and Ron’s heartfelt
         (after my husband) were Ron and                                                      words settle into
         Gay Herrin. I knew they had been                                                     your soul and linger
         praying for me and would continue                                                    for days.
         to pray for me as I worked through                                                   He’s
         the grief.  I knew they would                                                        dependable:  The
         not judge me. They would allow                                                       trademark of a good
         me to cry and vent and help me                                                       father is one who can
         understand so many conflicting                                                       be trusted.  There
         emotions.                                                                            were times when I
                                                                                              wanted to test and
         In the following days and weeks,
         I thought a lot about what a dad                                                     challenge that, but
         is supposed to be. As I made                                                         Ron and Gay stayed
         mental notes, I came to understand                                                   the course with me.  I

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