Page 12 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 12
by Sarah Casey
erry Severe is a diesel mechanic after closing the deal, a good Railroad Road, with no specific
with a truck shop sitting on friend tipped him off that he used address. Railroad Road is the old
JLubbock’s hidden treasure, the to frequent the famous Cotton Slaton Highway, which we now call
original Cotton Club. The Cotton Club and that it was located on Southeast Drive. As life goes, other
Club was the premier and only his land before it was vandalized things took priority, and Jerry’s
nightclub during the golden era and burned down in the early ‘60s. research stalled. Then, one day in
of West Texas music, when Buddy Jerry was skeptical of this claim but 2016, Jerry’s sister called him with
Holly, Bob Wills, and Waylon had noticed that there were beer news that she had found an article
Jennings dominated the airwaves cans from the ‘50s and old whiskey in The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
and changed music as we know it. bottles that had resurfaced from revealing the true location of the
the ground. One day, Jerry was infamous Club. Jerry was thrilled
Seventeen years ago, Jerry Severe sitting in his office when two people and tried contacting the Lubbock
purchased an old mechanic’s shop; with thick British accents came by Historical Society. He called
however, the terms of the deal his truck shop. The Buddy Holly numerous times until they finally
entailed him also to purchase the aficionados had tracked down the answered, and his request was
surrounding 10 acres. Although not location of Jerry’s shop with the simple, “Can we move the historical
pleased with the arrangement, he desire to stand on the ground where marker to the actual location?”
moved forward anyway. Shortly Elvis had met Buddy Holly. This
was not the only instance; more fans The Society insisted that they had
from Nashville came. It started to aerial photographs and that it had
feel less of a far-fetched tale until, been placed in the correct location.
one day in 2008, someone came by Puzzled with this dichotomy, Jerry
his shop and told him that a historic began interviewing seniors in the
marker had been placed across the Lubbock community, asking for
street, on the north side of 50th. their participation in a petition to
move the marker to its appropriate
Although Jerry’s skillset location. The first-hand stories were
traditionally involved tools and fascinating. One of his interviewees
engines, he discovered a newfound was a former bartender at the Cotton
hobby: researching the history of Club who still had memorabilia
the Cotton Club. He went to the from the venue. At that point, it
Southwest Collection Library at became personal. To Jerry Severe,
Texas Tech University and was it felt like a headstone on the
disappointed to find only two wrong grave. Memories had been
pictures of the inside of the Club. misappropriated, and the quest was
He then went to the Courthouse to get it right. Then one day, Jerry
Archives where they had filed for had a stroke of luck. The owner of
a permit, listing the location on Senior Link magazine, Erin Agee, was
Lubbock Senior Link
12 Lubbock Senior Link