Page 17 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
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back to the farm to take care of her because he felt bad for
the littles because their mama putting her out of a job. The
had to shoulder a lot more Jacksons had a wonderful
responsibility, and “we had a 38 years together and raised
hired hand named Jack who a great son. Beezie says she
helped a lot.” couldn’t have asked for a
better life.
After her dad was paralyzed,
Beezie’s family grew even Wayne died in 2001, and
closer. The bigs visited often Beezie is now the matriarch
and helped out as much as they of her family. She and her
could. “We would get so excited two younger brothers are
when we saw headlights coming the only Cobbs left from
up the road. They kinda spoiled her generation, but she still
us littles.” knows how to have a good
time. Not too long ago,
The Cobb children rode the some great nieces asked
bus 18 miles to school in their favorite great aunt
Paducah. In high school, she to teach them to dance,
was a cheerleader and played which she happily obliged.
basketball and volleyball. People Beezie with her parents and the other four "littles" Beezie continues to feel the
who know her today won’t have love from her son, dozens
any trouble believing Beezie of nieces and nephews,
Cobb was voted “Most Popular” at PHS. countless friends and neighbors and her beloved church
Her daddy died when she was in 10th grade, but not community.
before somebody from the church came and talked to The thread of love that Beezie first felt in her childhood
him about Jesus. He had never gone to church much, has only gotten stronger. She has discovered that love
but he got saved before he died. “Mama had always is the one commodity that continues to accumulate the
talked to us about God, and she was a very loving more you give it away. Her pastor, Andrew Farley says,
mother. In fact, I felt so loved by my family and by the “Beezie knows she is new-hearted in Christ and, as a
whole community. They always did things to help us result, she exudes an undeniable, quiet confidence. She
out and make us feel loved. I had no problem believing is such an encourager and an incredibly generous friend
God loved me because I had always felt loved by to so many. She puts a smile on my face every time I see
everyone around me.” her.”
Talking about God’s love reminded Beezie of
beautiful nights when she was very young. She
would sleep upstairs near an open window,
looking at the moon, feeling the breeze blow, and
listening to the coyotes howl. “Even then, I knew
God loved me, that He was wooing me, and I’ve
never doubted it.” (She is quick to admit that she
made lots of bad choices and had to learn some
things the hard way. “Mama always said, ‘It takes
some people longer to get over Fool’s Hill.’”)
Beezie married a handsome young man named
Wayne Jackson. She was a telephone switchboard
operator, and he worked for the telephone
company that was changing everyone over to
rotary dial phones. He always said he married
Lubbock Senior Link 17