Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 10
and recording engineer,
eventually joining the Joe
Ely Band. Kenny and
Steve developed bass and
guitar and vocal skills,
and Kenny was hired by
Las Vegas artist, Kenny
Vernon. In the early 1970s,
the brothers parted ways
but later joined forces,
adding younger brother
Donnie on drums, Jerry
and Randy Brownlow
on piano and bass, and
fiddler Richard Bowden
to form the next edition of
the MBB.
In 1978, Lloyd rejoined Group photo taken in the 1980s, when the band
the band and, with was reaching its pinnacle of popularity
several musician friends,
they recorded their first KLLL West Texas Opry and the Haggard, and others.
album titled "Maines Brothers “Panhandle Dance” performed In 1983, Cary Banks replaced
and Friends". The group every year specifically for area Randy Brownlow on piano, and
began booking well-known high school students. During the band signed a recording
area venues and garnering the next few years, the band contract with Mercury Records
significant play from area radio recorded three more successful in Nashville. They recorded two
stations. Memorable events independent albums, recorded albums and produced a Top
that fostered an ever-growing on the soundtrack for actress Twenty hit, “Everybody Needs
fan base and launched the Stella Steven’s independent film, Love on a Saturday Night”. Along
band into prominence were the American Woman, and opened with friend and sound man, Joe
highly popular family show, shows for major artists such as
Alabama, Ronnie Milsap, Merle Piland, The Boys traveled the
country, rocking out shows in
such iconic venues as Billy Bob’s
Texas, The Palomino Club and
television shows such as Austin
City Limits and Nashville Now.
After the band left Mercury
Records, they produced two more
independent studio albums, and,
in 1993, the band was inducted
into the West Texas Walk of Fame.
During the past couple of decades,
individual members have been
pursuing new endeavors. Lloyd
became a Grammy Award-
winning record producer,
Maines Brothers performing for KILL's West Texas Opry
10 Lubbock Senior Link