Page 9 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 9
Carrying on a
Family Tradition
The original Maines Brothers
y Cary C. Banks
by Cary C. Banks
“Band of Brothers” has sons Lloyd, Steve, Kenny, Donnie, athletes as well. Many times, they
long been a staple in the and daughter, LaTronda. In the would perform at the Westernaire
A popular music world with mid 1960s, Lloyd, Steve and Kenny, Lounge on Avenue Q until way past
such familiar groups as the Everly “The Little Maines Brothers”, began midnight, go home and catch a few
Brothers, The Isley Brothers, The opening shows for "The Big Maines hours’ sleep before heading off to
Allman Brothers and countless Brothers” on Sunday evenings at Roosevelt High School and playing
others. For more than half a century, the Cotton Club. In 1964, Lloyd, Friday Night football games.
one of the most celebrated “family Steve and Kenny, with friends Joe
bands” in West Texas has been the Stephenson and Steve Braddock, Over the next few years, the
Maines Brothers Band. The Original played their first featured concert at brothers expanded their musical
Maines Brothers band began in the the Slaton VFW. chops. Lloyd became a very gifted
1950s with James, Wayne, Raymond guitarist, pedal steel guitarist,
(Uncle Son) and Don Maines. Other The boys
local musicians Wally Moyers Sr., performed
Curlee Lawler, Weldon Turpin and regularly at
others performed with the band, nightclubs such
making a name for themselves as the Golden
playing such legendary honky tonks Nugget and The
as the Cotton Club on the Slaton Alamo Club on
Highway. Guitarist Wayne once the infamous
taught some chords to another up- “Lubbock Strip”.
and-coming musician named Buddy During their high
Holly. school years, they
were not only
James and Edith Maines eventually gifted musicians
established a home in Acuff with but talented Brothers Kenny, Steve and Lloyd Maines
Lubbock Senior Link 9