Page 16 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 16


          Best                                                                                 SENIORS

         Childhood Ever

          Beezie Jackson

         by Jane Bromley

                   eldon Cobb was a farmer   six eventually being
                   in the Paducah area from   called the “Bigs”.
         Wthe 1920s to the 40s. He           Almost two decades
         and his wife Gertrude raised 11     separated the oldest
         children. Five daughters and one    from the youngest,
         son came along pretty quickly. A    but according to the
         space of a few years passed before   littlest girl, Beatrix,
         the mother of six gave birth to four   that family dynamic
         more boys and another girl. Those   contributed to what
         five were affectionately called the   she calls “the best
         “Littles”, which led to the older   childhood ever”.

                                                 Beatrix was                    we always had plenty of company
                                                 named after an aunt who went   to eat all of the melons.” All of the
                                                 by the nickname “Beezie”, and   Cobb children worked in the fields,
                                                 the moniker fit the “little”,   chopping cotton in the summer.
                                                 too. Beezie, the Cobb’s ninth   “We didn’t really chop the cotton.
                                                 child, was born in Paducah     We chopped the weeds.” In the fall,
                                                 during an historic 84-hour     they pulled bolls and “shocked”
                                                 blizzard. Her daddy had        the maize (tied it in bundles). Even
                                                 farmed south of Paducah,       the “littles” worked hard, but “we
                                                 but Beezie remembers how       played hard, too.”
                                                 excited they were when he
                                                 bought 620 acres of farm and   Cowboys and Indians was such a
                                                 rangeland north of Paducah.    popular pastime that even some
                                                 “It had canyons, which were    of the “big” brothers-in-law joined
                                                 great for playing Cowboys and   in. They played lots of football
                                                 Indians.”                      and baseball, marbles, and “Kick
                                                                                the Can”. “We had a pole light, so
                                                 Weldon was a hard worker       we could play Hide and Seek way
                                                 who raised much more than      past dark. I played whatever the
                                                 children. Besides the cattle,   boys played. I don’t remember ever
                                                 hogs, chickens, cotton, wheat   having (or wanting) a doll.”
                                                 and maize, the family had
                                                 an orchard with peach and      The idyllic childhood was
                                                 apricot trees and a big garden   dramatically altered when Beezie’s
                                                 with corn, black-eyed peas,    daddy was paralyzed after he fell
                                                 and watermelon. “Mama          from the windmill. She was in
                                                 canned the corn and peas, but   first grade. An older sister moved

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