Page 7 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 7

                                                                                                  LOCAL HISTOR

            of a Lubbock Tornado 50th          who responded and rebuilt         lives; another 2000+ residents
            Anniversary.  But nothing can      Lubbock … to create a beautiful   were injured; 8,800 family resident
            ever erase the memories of so      entry point into the Downtown     units, including 450 apartments,
            much destruction, fear, and utter   area which will be a Lubbock     were damaged or destroyed,
            disbelief.  Fortunately, those     landmark and to develop a site    leaving hundreds homeless.
            horrible memories were quickly     to educate future generations     Over 250 local businesses were
            replaced with restoration and      and visitors about the tornado    destroyed, and another 250
            rebuilding memories.  Today,       and that portion of Lubbock’s     businesses were damaged.
            we remember those courageous       history." Giving opportunities are   According to then Mayor James
            citizens of Lubbock, Texas, along   still available for those wanting   Granberry’s “The Lubbock
            with caring friends and neighbors   to contribute to this beautiful   Tornado” Report, the 1970-dollar
            who came together after the storm   memorial.  Contributions are     loss exceeded $135 million, which
            to rebuild our devastated, broken   accepted through:  Community     equates to approximately 24
            and grieving community.  In 2019,   Foundation of West Texas, 6102   billion in today’s dollars.  National
            current business and city leaders   82nd Street, Suite 8b, Lubbock,   Guard, Red Cross, Salvation
            began planning for a meaningful    TX 79424 or donors may contact    Army, United Fund Disaster
            “multi-purposed” memorial.  It is   Stacy Keith, 806-317-4027 for    Relief, and many local citizens
            located at the Lubbock National    information. Dan Williams,        came to our rescue in those critical
            Bank Park on Glenna Goodacre       project chairperson, says plans for   early days.  They provided food,
            and Avenue Q.  I’ve toured the     the memorial dedication are on    water, clothing, shelter, security,
            present site and was impressed     schedule for May 11, 2021.        and much needed aid to shocked
            with its beauty and respectful                                       Lubbock residents.
            tribute to those lost and those who   Memories are often more
            remember.                          dramatically vivid than reality   In the eerie calm immediately after
                                               for many Seniors.  It’s hard for us   the storm, Tom and I cautiously
            The Gateway Memorial Park          to believe that 51 years ago, our   emerged from our kitchen shelter.
            project seeks to “memorialize,     city was hit with an F-5 tornado.    Opening our apartment door, we
            honor and recognize the victims    It seems like yesterday.  Twenty-  caught our first glimpse of
            of the tornado and the city leaders   six Lubbock residents lost their

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