Page 122 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 122

Jerry Lucero                   “Hollywood” Marine

                                                         Receives Purple Heart
                                                         by Larry A. Williams

                                               A Lubbock native, Jerry was       bodies from a plane crash up in
                                               born to Lionel and Josephine      the mountains.  I had a heat stroke
                                               Lucero on September 30, 1948,     half-way up the mountain and was
                                               the oldest of four children.  He   sent back.”
                                               played cornerback on the Lubbock
                                               High football team and “made it   “I remember when I first got shot
                                               through the 11th grade” before    at; it sounded like bumblebees.
                                               enlisting in the USMC in January   They (my buddies) told me to
                                               1967.  He chose the Marines       ‘get down – that’s gunfire!’”
                                               because he “had an uncle who      Surprisingly, Lucero did not
                                               had served in that branch, and    remember being shot.  In fact,
                                               Dad insisted.” After basic training,   he couldn’t recall anything that
                                               he completed eight weeks of       happened that day.  His unit holds
                                               advanced training at Camp         a reunion every two years, and
                                               Pendleton. His nickname was       last year, it was held in Lubbock.
                                               “T.J. for Tijuana”; he laughs at the   “Commander Larry Wilson from
                                               remembrance. After a 30-day leave   California was speaking, and he
                                               back home in Lubbock, it was back   told about the day I was shot.  He
                  he Marines who survived      to California and on to Vietnam.  said, ‘The platoon started taking
                                                                                 fire.  One of our guys got hit and
                  boot camp at Parris Island,   Leaving out of Marine Corps Air   went down.  Another Marine
             TSouth Carolina, often called     Station El Toro, Lucero arrived   went out to pull him back to
             their brethren who went to boot   in Da Nang, Vietnam, on July 1.    safety.  He got hit and went down.
             camp near San Diego, California   He was assigned to Company I      Another Marine went out to pull
             “Hollywood Marines” due to the    (India), 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines.    the second guy back when he got
             camp’s proximity to Tinseltown    His unit was sent to guard the    hit.  That man was Jerry Lucero.’”
             and a perceived easier training   “Liberty Bridge”, built in 1966 and   Concerning the wound, Jerry said,
             regimen.  For the “Hollywood      located in the Dai Loc District,   “I was hit in the neck by a bullet
             Marines”, like Lubbock’s Jerry    Quang Nam Province.  It was       that exploded behind my left ear.
             Lucero, it had another not-so-    built to move men and material    I must have lain there four or five
             glamorous name: the “Yellow       across the Song Thu Bon to An     hours before they could come and
             Hell.”  The sprawling complex     Hoa Combat Base.  The bridge      medevac me out of there.  I was
             consists of 388 acres, and all the   was constantly under attack and   taken back to Da Nang.  I was
             buildings are painted yellow.     destroyed several times. Initially   there two days and couldn’t move
             Jerry did not remember boot camp   assigned as a rifleman, Jerry    my neck or my legs.”
             in California to be “easy”.  As the   became a “tunnel rat”.  A tunnel
             Marines say, “You don’t join the   rat located tunnels dug by the   Lucero was moved to Guam.  “I
             Marines, you become one.”  The    Vietcong, then blew them up using   stayed there for one month. Then
             training is intense and not for   C4 explosives.  He added, “I used   I was sent to Ft. Bliss in El Paso to
             everyone.  It’s a very select and   to cook my food over burning C4.    recover for a couple of months.
             proud group.  Except the Coast    Without a blasting cap, it would   I finally received new orders to
             Guard, the Marine Corps is the    just burn.”                       report back to a reserve station in
             smallest branch of service in                                       Lubbock and stayed there for six
             the United States, with average   Jerry said, “Every night, we would   months, babysitting new reserves.
             recruits per year of 38,000 versus   go out on patrol, which was    I got orders for Camp Pendleton
             the Army’s 85,000.  The Marine    always a scary time. I lost several   with the 5th MEB (Marine
             Motto, established in 1883, is    buddies. Our gung-ho captain      Expeditionary Brigade) in San
             Semper Fi, Latin for “always      would say, ‘Let’s saddle up’. We   Mateo as a mail clerk.
             faithful”.  It’s an expression that   used to go on convoys up to Phu
             unites both current and former    Bai, Quang Tri province. One      I was located just across from
             Marines.  Once a Marine, always a   of our missions was to recover   President Nixon’s Western White
             Marine.                                                             House in San Clemente.

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