Page 124 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 124
Phil Price Remembering a ARMY
Hero (1943-2020) VIETNAM
by Jane Bromley LUBBOCK
of one specific firefight in Very few people accomplish as
Vietnam. much in the dash (the hyphen that
connects the year of birth with the
“Phil always said that he did year of death) as Philip Price.
not want a Purple Heart, but
someone gave it to him. While Among countless other causes,
commanding a platoon of he was instrumental in obtaining
mechanized infantrymen in funds to assist Jim Reckner,
Vietnam, he had an armored founder of the Vietnam Center and
personnel carrier (APC) full Archives. The center in Lubbock is
of wounded soldiers. Phil was the largest repository of Vietnam
on top of the APC shooting the memorabilia outside Washington
mounted 50-caliber machine D.C. He also generously gave his
gun. BAM! A Viet Cong sniper talent, expertise and influence to
gave him his Purple Heart. help secure funding for the new
He was shot in the left arm, VA Clinic in Lubbock. Along with
dislocated his shoulder, and the rest of West Texas, Senior Link
sustained shrapnel in his back. magazine celebrates the many
accomplishments of Phil Price and
“Thinking he was dead, the mourns his loss.
oth the Panhandle and the Vietcong surrounded the
South Plains lost a favorite APC. As he recovered from the
Bson on June 8, 2020. Phil impact, he used the recoil on the
Price’s roots are in Amarillo; machine gun to protect his men.
his namesake company, the He remembered saying, ‘Let’s
Price Group, is in get the hell out of
Lubbock; and the Dodge!’ and jumped
fruits of a prolific off the back of the
and productive life vehicle. The driver,
reach far and wide. who had a head
Victoria Price gave wound, put the
us a glimpse of her APC in reverse and
husband in the Fall nearly ran over him.”
2018 edition of Senior He was awarded
Link. It is worth the the CIB (Combat
time to read it at Infantryman's
lubbockseniorlink. Badge), Purple Heart,
com. Earlier this and Bronze Star with
year, she recounted Valor in Combat.
the circumstances
In loving memory of our founder
124 Lubbock Senior Link