Page 126 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 126
OLLI at TTU Expects Major
Comeback from Minor Setback
by Daniel Johnson
ost people are now familiar “Registrations for these summer OLLI staff will again be providing
with a list of phrases that virtual classes were phenomenal, and training for all participants on how to
Mwere virtually unheard they brought together OLLI members use the Zoom platform and would be
of just a few months ago. The list from all four of the OLLI at TTU happy to walk newcomers through
includes “new normal,” “curbside locations, along with those interested the setup process. All that is needed
pickup,” “flattening the curve” and in becoming OLLI members,” Crews to join them is a computer, tablet
“social distancing.” It is as if the said. “These new virtual classes or smartphone with a webcam and
world has turned upside-down, opened up the possibility to provide internet access.
seemingly overnight. presentations from instructors
all across Texas and the country, “Every setback has a major
Organizations, businesses, churches, improving our lineup of class comeback.” This phrase really
and schools are all adapting, and offerings.” resonated with the OLLI program
OLLI at Texas Tech University is no at Texas Tech University. They are
exception. Emboldened by this success and the committed, now more than ever, to
drive to continue to provide quality providing its members with the very
“In March, when we announced classes for its members, OLLI has put best experience possible. That way,
canceling classes through the end together a class lineup for fall 2020 when the world does right itself,
of the month, no one could have that will be 100% virtual. the organization will be in a prime
expected to be out of the classroom position to ensure a major comeback.
the remainder of the semester, much If you have an interest in
less through the summer,” said documenting your life story, you If this will be your first time to try an
Shelby Crews, director of OLLI at can learn how in “Recording Your OLLI presentation, let them know.
TTU. “Yet, here we are beginning fall, Legacy.” Or consider learning about They would be happy to waive the
still socially distanced, still unsure of “The Cultures of Texas: Past, Present class fee as a gift to you. Feel free to
the future or when we might get back and Future,” or the “Travels of reach out to OLLI staff at olli@ttu.
to our old way of life.” Rudyard Kipling.” The fall semester edu, 806-742-6554 or visit them online
is jam-packed full of engaging at
After the OLLI course cancellations, presentations from the talented OLLI
Crews says it didn’t take long for instructors. Courses include topics Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
the isolation, boredom and anxiety in history, music, arts and science, (OLLI) at Texas Tech University is a
to build up and convince the OLLI technology and many more. unique learning community designed
leaders that they had to do something for adults 50 years of age and over
more. So, the OLLI at TTU staff put If you have ever wondered what an who have a common interest in
together a summer curriculum of OLLI presentation is like, now is the continuing their learning experiences.
virtual classes in a variety of subjects perfect time to “virtually” attend a No tests, no grades, no papers... just
via Zoom video conferencing. Since class and see if OLLI is a good fit for the opportunity to explore exciting
this was new to almost everyone, you. topics and pursue new interests.
they also included Zoom training for OLLI at TTU has locations in Abilene,
the instructors, members and staff. Don’t worry about having never Highland Lakes (Marble Falls),
participated in a virtual class before. Fredericksburg and Lubbock, Texas.
126 Senior Link