Page 125 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 125
Cleatus Lebow A High Honor for NAVY
the Crew of the WWII
USS Indianapolis MEMPHIS, TX
by Jane Bromley
collectively, to the crew service, and congratulations
of the USS Indianapolis, on receiving the prestigious
“in recognition of their Congressional Gold Medal.
perseverance, bravery,
and service to the
United States.”
On July 29, 1945, the
USS Indianapolis, with
a crew of 1196 men,
was struck by two
enemy torpedoes
and sank in only
twelve minutes.
he Congressional Gold Nearly 900 members
Medal is the highest of her crew abandoned ship,
Texpression of national awaiting rescue for four days
appreciation for distinguished and five nights. Subjected to
achievements and contributions. dehydration, heat, delirium
To be awarded the medal, from drinking saltwater,
legislation must be co-sponsored and shark attacks, only 317
by at least two-thirds of the survived. An estimated 100-150
members of the House and 67 sailors were killed by sharks,
Senators before the nomination making it the deadliest shark
will be considered. Among the attack in history.
recipients are Charles Lindbergh,
Thomas Edison, Mother Teresa, Cleatus Lebow of the
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Panhandle Texas town of
Doolittle Raiders. Memphis was one of the
317 and one of only eight
While there are an estimated still living. His story was
1.8 million Purple Heart in the first issue of Amarillo
recipients, and over 3500 Medal Senior Link and can be found
of Honor winners, just over 170 at
Congressional Gold Medals Spring 2019.
have been awarded since George
Washington received the first The crew and
one in 1776. The crew of the USS their families
Indianapolis are among the most were officially
recent recipients. presented with the
medal in an online
On Dec. 20, 2018, President ceremony on July
Trump signed into law S. 30, 2020 – the 75th
2101, the “USS Indianapolis anniversary of the
Congressional Gold Medal Act,” attack. Cleatus
which provides for the award Lebow, thank you
of a Congressional Gold Medal, again for your
Senior Link 125