Page 121 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2020- Online Magazine
P. 121
off a star cluster to warn the same place, so at least it was
the other trucks. It was too familiar to me. We took lots of
late. Another I.E.D. went indirect fire and were involved in
off behind us. We set up a lots of small firefights during that
‘fighting box of trucks’, like time. I finally left the Texas Army
circling the wagons in the National Guard in July 2010.”
old west. After it was all
over, I found an ammo box His service over for the second
that was near my head (at and final time, Marco, by then
the time of the explosion) divorced, met and married
full of shrapnel holes. That Melinda Reyes. He has added
probably saved my life.” three stepchildren to his family.
His two biological sons also
Several wounded soldiers joined the Marine Corps. All
needed Marco’s attention, three served with the 1st Marine
but “a firefight broke out. Division. Marco went into law
semi-trucks on Main Supply I was all bandaged up, enforcement and is currently a
Route Tampa. I was by then an grabbed my rifle, and started sergeant with the Floydada Police
E5 Sergeant and was talking to firing as fast as I could. We had Department. Melinda said, “He
my squad leader, Sergeant First taken Sergeant Folks out of the is a grumpy old man but has a big
Class Tommy Folks, as we were truck. My other friend had tried heart and will help anyone.” At
walking back to our truck. He to clear his airway by doing a the conclusion of our interview,
said, ‘Marco, I am tired, really tracheotomy, but he was fighting Marco said, “I’m 80% disabled,
tired’. I said, ‘I’m tired too, Sarge, it.” Tears formed in Marco’s eyes but I did get souvenirs from
but don’t worry, I’ll take care of as he recalled the horrible scene of Iraq – shrapnel in my legs.” And
you.’ I remember every detail his leader and friend. “We didn’t whatever it was Marco Martinez
of that moment, even how the realize the extent of his injuries thought he needed to prove at 19,
sky looked. We left from Camp until we took off his helmet. A he succeeded, and then some. The
Scania, southwest of Baghdad. We Blackhawk helicopter came and hero, who has already sacrificed so
had been warned of enemy action picked up Tommy but failed to much, is still putting on a uniform
along the route. About 1 1/2 hours take me and my driver. Later, in service to our country.
into the trip, an I.E.D. (Improvised they said he flat-lined while being
Explosive Device) went off beside medivacked to the
the road, tripped by a piano wire hospital. He died
that we drove over. I remember in the operation
a bright flash. My right ear was room. That was TreeLovingCare
ringing. My driver said his face our third I.E.D.
stung and that he’d been hit. I felt strike. I received TLC Nursery
a stinging sensation in my legs my Purple Heart
and looked down and saw a lot of once I got back to
blood. I looked back at Sergeant the states.” James Tuttle
Folks. His head was slumped Certified Arborist - TX-0117A
over. I tried to talk to him. I told Marco’s second Lubbock Midland
him to get up and shake it off. tour in 2008 “was (806) 785-TREE 432-620-TREE
We lost communications so I shot right back to (8733) (8733)
Senior Link 121